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Tris's POV
Christina, Shauna, Marlene, and even Uriah squeal when Tobias says the name. Lynn gives us one of her rare smiles. Will smiles too. Zeke, however, looks confused.

"No, no, no," he says. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "You guys have got it all wrong. You have to name the baby Zeke." I look at him.

"You know it's a girl, right?" I ask.

"Fine then, name her Zekella," he says. Everyone bursts out laughing, although Zeke looks like he is dead serious. We play truth or dare for a few hours after that. At 11:00, Tobias announces that it's time for everyone to leave. Everyone leaves, except for Christina, who stays behind.

"I have the gender," she says grinning. She hands me an envelope.

"Is it okay if I plan tomorrow and then we have it the next day?" I ask.

"Of course!" she says. "Thanks for doing this." I smile and hug her.

"Of course! I don't know how I'm going to top this gender reveal," I say. She laughs.

"Okay, night Tris, night Four," she says.

"Bye, love you!" I say.

"Love you too," she calls back. With that, I head into the bathroom to change. I pull on my black shorts and one of Tobias's t-shirts. I decide to sleep with my necklace on. I don't think I'll ever take it off. I brush my teeth and pull my hair into a bun. I go get in bed while Tobias showers. I sit in bed and read a few chapters of my book. Ten minutes later, he walks out with a towel around him. I look up at him.

"I forgot my clothes," he says. I laugh. Just then there is a knock on the door. I look at Tobias.

"Go see who it is, I'll pull on some clothes real quick," he says. I nod and go to the door. Whoever it is bangs on the door again. I open it and see Max standing there, holding a piece of paper. "Four!" I call out. He comes out and stops when he sees Max.

"Can I come in?" Max asks.

I make my way over and sit on the couch. Tobias sits next to me, and Max across us.

"It's about Eric's murder," Max says. I look at Tobias. His face is blank with no emotion. When we don't answer, Max continues.

"As we begin searching for Evelyn, we found her dead in Factionless. We then tested the fingerprints on the knife and letter, and they were not Evelyn's. So then we searched our data and found a match. Peter was that one who killed Eric."

I just stare at him. Peter. Why would Peter want to kill Eric?

"Why?" Tobias asks.

"Well, we called him in for questioning today," Max says.

"Peter claims that Eric was trying to kill you, Tris, and he just wanted to keep you safe." I laugh. I laugh hard.

"Peter," I say through laughs.

"Why would he want to save me? He already tried to kill me once." I keep laughing. "Sorry, this just sounds ridiculous," I say.

"Well..." Max starts but then Tobias cuts him off.

"Peter is in love with you." Max simply nods. All laughter has left my face. This is no longer funny. I feel anger boiling inside of me. How could he be in love with me? He hates me!

"Where is he?" I say through gritted teeth.

"We are keeping him in holding. Tomorrow the Dauntless leaders will decide to execute him or let him rot in prison for the rest of his life," Max explains. I stand up as rage boils inside of me. I stand up and start toward the door. Tobias grabs hold of my arm to stop me.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"To pay Peter a visit," I say, scowling.

"You are three months pregnant, Tris. You are not going to go kill Peter," he says. He knows me too well.

"Fine," I say. I go into the bedroom and lie down, thoughts swarming my head. I hear Max leave and Tobias come into the room. He lies down next to me and wraps his arms around me. He kisses me on the top of my head, then my forehead, the bridge of my nose, and finally my lips.

"It's going to be okay now," he says. "We are safe. You are safe." I smile and nod. I press my face into his chest and fall asleep. All that matters is Tobias and River. Nothing and no one else. We are safe and we are together.

Two days later

Today is Christina's gender reveal. I spent all of yesterday setting up Christina's apartment with Shauna, Lynn, and Marlene. We will reveal the gender with colored fireworks over the Pit and then head to her apartment for the party. Christina and Will spent the night at our apartment so they wouldn't see the decorations. At 1:00, everyone is supposed to meet by the Pit. It is 8:00 now.

I get out of bed, leaving Tobias alone, and go shower. I pull on a black skirt and tuck in a white t-shirt. Over that, I pull on an oversized black and grey flannel. It mostly hides my baby bump. I put on my necklace from Tobias and start curling my hair as Christina showed me. I have to admit, dressing up is kind of fun! Then I do a simple smoky eye and some pink lipstick. I look in the mirror. I kind of like how I look. I step out of the bathroom and see Tobias sitting on the bed, eating a piece of cake.

"Where did you get that?!" I ask, laughing.

"Wow, you look really good, Tris," he says.

"Don't change the subject!" We both laugh. I sit down on the edge of the bed and put on my black combat boots. I feel Tobias's strong arms wrap around me as he kisses my neck. I smile, turn around and kiss him on the lips. Then I hear someone cough and see Christina at the door. I laugh.

"Wow, Tris! Did you do that makeup all by yourself!?" she asks. I nod and smile. She squeals.

"Okay, I'm going to let you two be and go get ready," she says laughing.

"Okay, I have a few more things left to do at your apartment. I'll meet you at the Pit at 1:00. Just don't go to your apartment!" I say as she walks out the door.

"Yes mom!" she calls back. Tobias and I laugh. He goes in for a kiss but I block him. He has a confused look on his face and I can't help but laugh.

"Go get ready!" I say. "We have stuff to do!"

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