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Tris's POV
I finish packing all our pictures and decorations from the living room. I grab another box to bring all of our movies and my favorite blankets. The boys come back to pick up more boxes. In about an hour, Shauna and I have packed up the entire house. Tobias insists that since I'm pregnant, I don't carry any boxes. Together Shauna and I walk to the new apartment to start unpacking.

"Wow," Shauna says when we enter.

"I know," I say. "It's amazing."

"Yeah," she says. "You guys can throw awesome C or D parties here." I laugh.

"Yeah I bet we could," I say. I decide to call Christina so she can help us decorate and put things away. She comes over and has the same reaction as Shauna.

"This place is amazing!" she squeals. We laugh and get to work.

"So Shauna and I are going to decorate in here and surprise you," Christina says. "Where is the box of living room stuff?"

I point to a group of boxes the boys just brought over. Shauna and Christina shoo me out of the living room. I grab a box that has our clothes in it and head up to the master bedroom. I start putting our clothes in the draws. A little while later, Tobias comes up with our bathroom stuff.

"Hey," he says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I can't believe this is our apartment," I say. He smiles.

"Zeke is bringing up all of River's gifts from the gender reveal. It's mostly clothes and stuff like that," he tells me. I nod and smile. "There are still a few more boxes at the old apartment. Zeke is going to bring them over while I go turn in the key. Do you need me to pick up anything?" he asks.

"Can you get me some cake?" I ask. He laughs and kisses me on the head.

"Of course."

The rest of the day was spent unpacking boxes. I even discovered more rooms in the house. Downstairs was an empty room that we will probably turn into a playroom for River. There was also another bedroom upstairs with a bathroom, it will be a guest bedroom for now. That night Tobias and I decided to go down to the dining hall for dinner.

Just as we sit down with all of our friends, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and find myself face to face with Peter.

Tobias's POV
"I just want to talk to you," Peter says. I stand up and grab Tris's wrist before she can punch him. I put my body in between them.

"Why aren't you in your cell?" I demand.

"They are taking me to my execution. I just want to talk to Tris," he says.

I'm about to say no when Tris says, "It's okay, Four." I step aside slightly, though still protecting Tris.

"What," she demands, although her voice quivers. Peter looks like he is about to cry.

"I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you," he says. Tris raises an eyebrow.

"You never meant to hurt me?! All those things you did to me, they weren't meant to-" she gets cut off by Max.

"Someone grab Peter!" he shouts. No one moves. Two Dauntless guards grab Peter's arms.

"I'm sorry!" he says. He is crying now. "I'm so so sorry!" he continues as the guards drag him away.

"Stop!" Tris yells. I let go of her arm and she walks up to Peter. She whispers something in his ear. He looks shocked and angry. Just then, she punches him square in the nose. The guards drag Peter away, and Tris collapses onto the floor. I rush over to her and collect her in my arms. At first, I think she is crying, but then I realize she is laughing, hysterically. I stare at her.

"What..." I start. She just shakes her head.

"I'll explain later. Let's go home." I nod and help her to her feet. As we walk out of the dining hall, everyone stares at us. Probably because Tris is still laughing her head off. I bring her back to the apartment and sit her down on the couch. She has calmed down a bit, but she is still giggling.

"Can you please explain?" I ask desperately. She takes a deep breath.

"You aren't going to believe this."

Tris's POV
He looks so confused. I take another deep breath. "I'm laughing," I say. "Because Peter was never in love with me." Tobias looks even more confused.

"How do you know?" he asks me.

"Well, since I hang out with Christina so much, I've learned how to tell when someone is lying," I explain.

"So, then why did he kill Eric?" I laugh again.

"Sorry, it's just so ridiculous," I say. He is still so confused. "Peter killed Eric so that he could cover up the fact that he was trying to kill me. Eric must have found out, and Peter wanted him dead. He must have known Evelyn was looking for him, so he made it look like Eric wanted me dead. He was just saying he 'loved' me so that maybe we would have some sympathy for him. It's all very funny because now Peter is going to be killed." I laugh again.

This time Tobias lets out a shaky laugh too.

"So how did you figure all this out?" he asks.

"Well, it was all just a working theory until I saw him. I whispered in his ear 'I know what you did' and his face confirmed everything," I explain.

"You're a genius, you know," he says. I smile and laugh again.

"Now I'm actually safe," I say still giggling.

"You're always safe with me," Tobias whispers in my ear. I kiss his cheek then his lips. He kisses back. We kiss for a while, only stopping for air.

"Want to watch a movie?" he asks. I nod.

"I'll get popcorn," I say, walking into our beautiful new kitchen. After I get the popcorn, I walk back into the living room. Tobias has gotten loads of blankets and pillows. I lie down next to him, snuggling close. His strong arms wrap around me. That night we watch The Notebook. I fall asleep in his arms and dream of my future, our future. I dream of River, our future children, Tobias, getting married. It's a peaceful sleep. But being Dauntless, I know this peace won't last long.

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