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Tobias's POV
Tris has been asleep for two hours. They transferred her into the Erudite hospital. We were placed in a room, a delivery room they called it. Tris sleeps on a white bed with machines hooked up to the IV in her hand. All around the room are more machines, mostly for River. The doctor, Dr. Scott, told me this delivery was going to be high risk since River is so premature. I sit next to her and hold her hand. I rest my head on the mattress and the beeps of River's heart monitor put me to sleep.

Tris's POV
I wake up at 10:46 am that day. I was jolted awake by the excruciating pain in my stomach. Tobias is sleeping next to me and I don't want to wake him but I can't help the small scream that comes with the next contraction.

"Tris?" Tobias says as he bolts up.

"Can you get the doctor?" I stammer between the pain. He nods and rushes out the door. He couldn't have been gone for five minutes, but it felt like an eternity. I was having a one-minute contraction every three-ish minutes. It felt like someone was stabbing my insides and pulling them all at once. Tobias rushed back into the room with Dr. Scott.

"Okay Tris," she says. "I am going to see if you are dilated." I nod. She props my feet up on the stands. "Tris, you are only 2 centimeters. There is also a little bit of blood. We are going to have to watch you very closely."

I nod and fight back the urge to cry. Tobias sits next to me and I bury my face in his shirt. God, I just want to hold my daughter...

The rest of the day was painfully long. Christina and Marlene stopped by to say hi and see how I was doing. I made Tobias go on multiple cake runs. The doctors don't know how long I'll be in labor. They say that I am progressing very slowly. They think I should be at least 7 centimeters by now, though I am only 3. Dr. Scott is not too worried since my water hasn't broken yet. She says if it does break and I am still not moving quick enough, they may have to do a c-section. That scares me. I have been in labor since four in the morning. 12 long, painful, hours. I will be slightly annoyed if I went through this pain only to have a c-section. A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. Tobias walks in holding a sandwich. I frown.

"What about the cake?" I ask as he sets the sandwich down in front of me.

"You can't live on cake, Tris. It's not good for either of you," he says holding back a smile. I smile a little bit and take a bite.

"It's not that bad," I say. He smiles and kissed me on the forehead. Then out of nowhere, he pulls out a piece of cake and starts eating it. My mouth drops open.

"Hey," he says. "I'm not the one carrying a baby. I can be as unhealthy as I want!" He tries to stifle a laugh but fails miserably. I glare at him and finish my sandwich. The second I am done, he pulls out another piece of cake. I grin.

"Did you really think I would deprive the pregnant lady of cake?" I laugh.

"Thank you," I say. I lean up and give him a kiss. Once we have finished our cakes, I decide I need a shower. "Can you help me?" I ask Tobias. He nods and helps me out of the bed into the bathroom.

"You got it?"

"Yeah, I think so,"

He nods and leaves the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I slowly take off the hospital gown, pausing when there is a contraction. I take a shower, feeling the warm water run down my body. It's so soothing. I hold onto the rails for support and lather my body in soap. About 10 minutes later, I reluctantly get out of the shower. I dry off my body and put on my undergarments just to feel a warm liquid run down my leg. Oh no.

Tobias's POV
"Tobias!" I hear Tris scream from the bathroom. I run over to the door but it's locked.

"Tris? What's wrong? Open the door," I say. I can hear the panic in my voice. Tris is okay. River is okay. They have to be okay. I hear the door click, indicating it is unlocked. I turn the handle and open the door. Tris is standing in a pool of water in only her undergarments.

"What happened?" I ask.

"My... My water broke," she stammers. I look at her quizzically.

"What does that mean?" I ask. She laughs at me. "What?" I plead.

"It means River is coming!" she exclaims. My face lightens up and I smile.

"Come help me get dressed and then call a nurse," she says. I nod and start to walk over to her, but she screams and grabs at her stomach. I catch her before she can fall.

"Contraction?" I ask. She nods. I hold her in my arms and rub her back. "Breathe, Tris. You're okay," I tell her. She grips onto me and puts all her weight on me. We stand there for two minutes.

"Okay, it's over," she says. I nod and grab her a new gown. She slips it on over her front. It comes down just to her knees. I walk around her to tie it in the back. I throw the towel onto the floor so Tris doesn't trip and wrap my arm around her. I take her to the bed and help her in. Just then she gets another contraction. She leans her head into my chest and I rub her back. Again, we sit there for two minutes. Once it is over, I leave to go find a nurse. I walk into the lobby and see Violette standing at the counter.

"Violette, Tris's water broke," I explain.

"Okay, I'll send Dr. Scott in right away to check her." I nod and hurry back to the room to find Tris in the middle of another contraction. River better be here soon, I hate seeing Tris in pain.

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