A Henious Crime

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By @silentomorrows
There had been a lot of gabble in the village. The turn of events had started the rumour mill, but no flour would be ground. Speculation was high but no bets were laid.

Wilfred Bodger had decided he had better lay low for a while so went to stay with the writer Isabelle. He took a couple of his special pies for her enjoyment and skipped in via the back door. He slipped his prize mantrap under her bed and hoped she would not need the chamber pot in the middle of the night. Wilfred then made his way to the spare bedroom to have a nap after his travels. He thought to announce himself at breakfast time, looking forward to eggs, bacon and a strong coffee.

Frank felt sorry for Millie Peed and created an automated sack-barrow so that she could at least get around the village. It had a small laser beam that was particularly good for chipping potatoes and a hooter to honk. As long as Millie avoided the speed dips then, generally she ought to be able to keep upright.

Even Carlos, the chef at the Eden Grand had felt sorry for Millie. He created a speciality for her to enjoy; deep fried caramelised toffee and sesame seed octopus. You could hold it by one tentacle and eat your way around it like a spikey lollypop.

Mayor Maynot had been slightly agrieved when he read in the local paper a readers comment that someone was disappointed that nothing of any true artistic value had turned up at the junk roadshow. If only they knew. Sitting in his office the Mayor looked with pride at the portrait of himself in his mayoral regalia. He poured himself a brandy and then pressed the small button under his desk. Effortlessly his mayoral portrait moved to one side. But instead of revealing, as you might expect, a portrait of the well known Thunderbirds pilot Scott Tracey, instead there was an original by the artist Klimt called, "The Kiss". This was his little secret but he knew that if only that reader could see this astounding piece or art work, that they would be peanut butter in his hand.

He turned the radio on.

'Hey man this is Corky Flute, cruising cross the airwaves, licking your earlobes with the music of happy "memories are made of this". Later today there is going to be an exhibition of environmental water milling up at Frank's place. Everyone who comes, gets a free current bun.

Also have you tried Fudge's new panda bear flavoured ice cream. No of course it's not real panda but it is eucalyptus flavour. For every six of these ice creams that you purchase, Edward Fudge has promised to donate a penny to Japonica's save the panda fund.

So here's a song by the Stodgy Puddings called, "You and your Panda eyes"

Mayor Maynot tapped along while he admired his Klimt and had a piece of Turkish delight. The record came to an ended and he could here the needle bouncing on the end of the record; Corky didn't carry on.

Across the radios of Edenville was just a ghostly bump bump bump of the needle catching on the end of the record. Edward Fudge asked his daughter Japonica to call in to see what was happening down at the radio station.

Japonica slipped inside into the waiting room. It seemed the office had no one in it today but the red broadcasting live light was on. Japonica entered and found a lifeless Corky Flute slumped over his sliders. A window was open and Japonica noticed Bianca Woodnick fleeing the scene. Japonica called the police and shortly after the undertakers Fay Ding and Pop Clogs turned up to take the body away.

Police Sergeant Wendell Pinky Job pulled up disturbing the free range chickens outside. He suspected fowl play. A murder investigation commenced.

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