𝕲𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎 𝖙𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖘

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ELIZABETH WAS EATING BEIGNETS THAT KLAUS HAD BROUGHT HER, THESE THINGS WERE DELICIOUS. She was in the living room with Rebekah and Klaus, they were definitely entertaining. She was less bored.

"I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me. You know how I love to set things on fire." Rebekah pouted.

"Me too," Elizabeth added fakely disappointed. She then makes a flame appear with her hands. "Setting things on fire is my favorite thing, well after stabbing people of course." Elizabeth finishes by taking my pocket knife and playing with it.

Klaus rolls his eyes. He takes the knife from her hand putting it on the table. "I did not give that back to you so you could hurt yourself, love." then he turns his attention back to Rebekah. "Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot? Besides, they were my responsibility. They attacked the helpless pregnant girl who's carrying my child."

Elizabeth laughs at that, helpless wasn't the word to describe her, on the contrary. Badass magic sucker was more the term, she thought smirking. But if he felt better to think he was a knight in shining armor then good for him and his ego.

"Oh, I am so moved by your newfound sense of fatherly duties towards the psychopathic siphon carrying your hybrid bun in her oven," Rebekah tells her brother sarcastically.

Hayley enters the room. "The werewolf would like to know what the plan is," she asks.

Klaus smirks. "Well, that depends what plan you mean, love: My plan for global domination, or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world," he said tilting his head towards his sister.

Rebekah takes a paintbrush from the desk beside her and throws it in Klaus's direction. Klaus catches it easily before it can impale his face. Elizabeth takes a book from the table and throws it in Klaus's direction, unlike the paintbrush, he doesn't catch it. He was distracted and it hits the back of his head. Rebekah busts out laughing while Hayley rolls her eyes at Elizabeth's antics.

Klaus turns his head to Elizabeth angrily. "What the bloody hell was that for ?"

Elizabeth looks at him confused. "What? I thought that was the game, weren't we supposed to throw things at you? Maybe I should have used my knife." she then turns her head to Hayley. "Why didn't you throw anything at Nik? "

"Didn't want to end up as his lunch, Lizzie," mutters Hayley.

"Anyways, I think hayls was speaking about saving your bro in suits, her little crush," Elizabeth told them.

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