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ELIZABETH WAS YELLING THROUGH THE HOUSE AFTER KLAUS. She was craving beignets now, and she couldn't think about it, it anything else right now. Her pregnancy cravings were getting to her. Besides, Elizabeth spent the morning throwing up, morning sickness was a real bitch so she was not in a good mood. Klaus came into her room thinking something was wrong only to realize it was morning sickness. He then held her hair, grimacing while she puked her guts out, and complaining to him that this was his fault.

After a few moments, but Elizabeth finally found Klaus with a blonde woman. She didn't know why, but she didn't like seeing him with her. She narrowed her eyes at the sight. "Finally I found you Niky, I want beignets now," Elizabeth ordered to the hybrid, in a demanding tone, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don't you see I have company love?" Klaus asks slightly irritated, showing the blonde stranger with his hand.

Elizabeth groans. "I don't care, I'm pregnant and I have two things growing inside of me because of you. You did this to me," she said pointing her hands towards her stomach. "So when I say I want beignets I get beignets. Did your mother not teach you manners? Of course not she was a witch and you killed her so I guess she didn't do a good job...Now stop acting like a dog and get me beignets." she rants angrily. Was it too hard to have beignets? She was literally carrying his miracle children it was the least he could do. "I can keep company to your blonde friend while you are gone, no worries," she suggested.

He rolls his eyes. Klaus then turns to Camille and compels the blonde so she doesn't leave the mansion. Klaus finally leaves the two girls alone while he plays as a delivery guy.

"So who are you Blondie?" Elizabeth asked after Klaus left. "You must be special to be here, I mean Nik doesn't involve himself with dull people and I'm bored so entertain me," Elizabeth told the stranger.

"Uh, I'm Camille, Hi," Camille said awkwardly. "I'm a bartender at Rousseau and a psychology student. He wants me to be his scenographer and his spy on Marcel. Why did I just tell you all of that? What did he do to me?" Camille asked horrified.

"Oh I see, a little spy I'm glad to hear he is making moves on Marcus. And a psychologist, I knew you were special. He certainly wants you to analyze his wicked brain." Elizabeth chuckled humorously. "Poor you, Nik is a total narcissist, paranoid prick with daddy and anger issues. I mean he can spend hours ranting about how everybody is after him. And I know that just after spending a few weeks at his house."

"But what did he do to me?" Camille asked perplexed.

"He compelled you blondie, that's a vampire's trick. Yes, Klaus is a vampire but also a werewolf, honestly, that's a long story. That's how he was able to get me pregnant. And no I'm not a werewolf, I'm a siphon. It's a special kind of witch, even if I loathe to be called a witch. Basically, I can take magic from any supernatural creature or object, which makes me super powerful." Elizabeth paused for a moment thinking.

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