Chapter 1

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It's been a really long time since I have seen happiness. Before, I didn't have to fight for my life.

I've been part of two groups since the outbreak, but it seemed as if I was the least valued member. The first group would lure me out into the woods, and try to use me as walker bait and the last one would just try and use me for their pleasure. Acting as if I was some object they can toy with.

I've been walking for what seems like days, but has only been hours. The sun was still high in the sky, it was probably about noon now.

There is a rustling in the bush, and as I turn around to see who or what is there, I can hear the groaning of one of the living dead. The sound soon got louder and it multiplied around me.

There must have been at least twenty for those living dead's before I knew it. I drew out my sword, ensuring that it was still sharp. My knife is slipped into the sleeve of my shirt, a quick weapon retrieval in case I lose my sword.

As the first thing got close enough to me, I took a swing of my sword, and in a swift motion, it split it's brain into two. The tiny herd was approaching at relatively the same speed from all angles. I was swinging left and right to make sure none were going to sneak up on me.

I was in a problem similar to this before, with the cops a couple of years ago. Swerving left and right in alleys and around dumpster to get rid of them. Unfortunately for me, the officer that was somehow always assigned to me, Officer Grimes, had to call back up. He and his partner, Officer Walsh, would catch me. They had to keep trying millions of different methods.

When I see that I'm done, I wipe my sword on one of dead people's shirt. I stand to my full height and cracked my back, feeling the stiffness go away. I heard a moan from behind me and turned around, startled. I was shoved to the floor and my sword slipped out of my hands and out of my reach. I struggled to keep the walker's teeth from sinking itself into my neck. I stretched my arm as far as I could; my fingers were just skimming the end of the handle. Pushing myself up a little with my foot, my hand firmly grasped around the handle. Just as I was about to swing, a gunshot sounded and the walker fell on top of me.
I pushed the walker off me and stood up. I looked to the left and saw a man who looked to be in his 30's. His hair was slightly curly and he wore a police uniform. He seemed slightly familiar; his blue eyes were recognizable and his curly brown hair was too. I thought for a moment, but nothing came to me. Hopefully, I can get a name out of him and then I should remember.

"Hello?" I said to the man.

"What's your name?" He asked me. I thought about whether I should tell him or not. Although, he just saved my life. Maybe I could get a name out too.

"My name is Carly Jenson." I said, holding out my hand.

The man lowered his gun and put it back in the holster. He extended his hand and gently shook it. "Rick Grimes" he said.

Rick Grimes? I thought about where I've heard his name before. His last name was the same as the officer who was left with no choice but to always arrest me. He looked like him too, he must be him.

"Hey, aren't you that sheriff that talked some sense into me when I was younger and more stupid? In King's County?" I asked. He searched my face a little, probably trying to remember if I was who I was saying. He nodded his head after a little while.

"Well, I guess that would be me then!" He said laughing.

"Where are you heading?" He asked me.

"I was on my way into the city, trying to get to a gun shop, I need ammo and shelter." I said. I trusted him, so I told him the truth...Well, I would have to lie about somethings.

"Come with me, I am heading that way to find my family. It will be faster."
I nodded my head gracefully and got into the car.

"It feels good to be in the passenger seat for once." I said, causing Rick to chuckle slightly.

"So how old are you now?" He asked. We had been driving for a while now.

"24." I said back.

"How are your parents?" He asked me. I didn't want to answer it because of my past. Rick didn't know about it. No one did. I always kept it to myself.

I swallowed harshly, taking a deep breath before answering.

"Um, don't really know if they are dead or alive." I said. I pretended to acted like I care but really, I don't. I hated my parents for what they did to me. They hurt me. I hated the idea that I looked like them too.

I had my mom's white blonde hair and my dad's icy blue eyes. The only difference was that mine would change colours to my mood. They would go a deep dark blue when I was upset or wanted to cry, and they would turn ice white when I got mad.

"Oh that has got to suck. Don't you miss them?" Rick asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Mhmm" I said as a sarcastic sign of yes. He didn't realize the sarcasm.

We were driving for a while when Rick would talk into a microphone to get to the radio, but nothing but statics came through. Once we reached the highway the car ran out of gas.

"Come on, we'll walk." Rick said. I got out of the car and we walked down the road until we found a house. Rick went up the stairs to see if they would have some gas, but shook his head and walked down the stairs to me. I looked around the area and spotted a horse in the backyard, I pointed to the horse and Rick nodded his head at me. I waited for Rick as he brought it to me.
He jumped on and brought me up to. The horse started to run into the city.

Once Rick, the horse and I got to the city, we started to walk around until Rick apparently started to hear a helicopter. In the honest truth, I don't really know what he was talking about. I don't see, nor did I hear anything. I hear moans of the dead, and the stench was horrible. The horse turned a corner and there they were. Hundreds of walkers blocking the road started to run at us, wanting to rip the flesh off our bones and turn us to them. Rick and I were thrown off the horse as it was trampled down to be eaten alive.

"We have to run! Get into the tank!" Rick yelled at me as he tried but ended up at under the tank. Hopefully, there was a way to get in from the bottom. I grabbed my sword and started to swing my way to the tank. The walkers getting uncomfortably close. I saw walkers trying to grab Rick, so I grabbed some of them and threw them far enough to buy Rick some time.

More started to ramble around me as I felt I was going to go down, I took a swing and continued to do so. I killed a row and jumped onto one's head. I ran through the small and tight spacing between the freaks and climbed up to the tank. Making it to the top, I heard a gunshot go off. I killed a few more, bringing the hatch down with me. At least it led me to some safety. I saw Rick sitting against a wall with hard hearing as he just shot a walker next to him. Just as he regained his hearing, the radio went off.

"Hey you...Dumb-asses...Yeah, you two in the tank...Cozy in there?" A man asked. Rick and I stared at the radio, dumbfounded.

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