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AFTER SHE HAD A LOT OF SLEEP, KLAUS TOLD HER ELIJAH WAS FINALLY COMING BACK. Apparently, the witch Davina removed the dagger. Elijah like the smooth talker he is managed to find to gain her trust and they made some sort of deal. Elizabeth was glad Elijah was finally coming back so she could play matchmaker with Hayley. She had nothing else to do.

Elizabeth understood why Hayley was so taken by Elijah. He is hot, well-mannered, and a gentleman.  She would totally sleep with him but there are too many things against it. First, she's pregnant and she's beginning to show, so Elizabeth doesn't feel sexy at all. Klaus had to buy her some new clothes because her right jeans wouldn't fit. She kept complaining despite Klaus's reassurances, telling her she was gorgeous even pregnant. Then there is Hayley, Elizabeth doesn't know much about friendship but sleeping with her future boyfriend didn't sound good. And it looked like Elijah was interested in Hayley anyway.

Besides there was also Klaus, she still feels this attraction to him like she never felt before. Elizabeth is used to losing interest quickly, but she couldn't think about someone else than Klaus. And this frustrated her to no end. She doesn't know if it's because she is carrying his children, his puppy eyes, his smile, or his charming accent. Maybe all of that. And she felt this pang in my chest when she saw him friendly with this Camille blonde girl. Elizabeth never felt like that, well she did when Josette and Kai would hang out sometimes. She was jealous and wanted to be the only sibling he liked. Elizabeth knew he did, but they were him and Josette we're twins, while Kai and Elizabeth never shared a womb like them, so obviously, she was very jealous. She never liked sharing and was very possessive. Does that mean she was jealous of Camille? Does she like Klaus more than just sex? To be honest, Elizabeth was confused, she was not used to caring so much about others.

She and Klaus hadn't slept together since that first time, they didn't even kiss, except for that little cheek kiss. She considered kissing much more intimate anyway. When he smiles at her jokes it warms her heart, but in a way, she doesn't want to get closer to him. She has never felt like that, and if she allows herself to feel more it will be worse. She was such a weird freak when it came to feelings. It's easier to not care. But it felt so good to be with Klaus, so why would she forbid herself something that felt so nice?

Klaus finally arrived with Sophie, they were going to have a little chat about those witches who attacked her. But Elizabeth already guessed a possible reason. When that witch tried to tell her the gender of the babies, she told something in Latin. Something about her children being evil, but honestly what did they expect from Klaus spawns?

Klaus is pacing in the room in anger, pointing accusatory fingers. "We had a deal! You protect my unborn children, I dismantle Marcel's army. And whilst I've been busy fulfilling my part of the bargain, you allowed Elizabeth to be attacked and almost killed by a gaggle of lunatic witches."

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