The Hufflepuff Dorms

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Addie blushed at the note Fred gave her excited to see the red haired boy sitting at the end of her bed. 

 Almost everyday last year Fred snuck into Addie's dorm room. He usually brought George with him or Lee Jordan, sometimes even both of them. It was like clockwork to her. In the middle of the school year last year Addie started to feel bad and even a little guilty that Fred was using the schools secret passages to come to her room. She tried to stop it and after a week she missed Fred too much and begged him to come back. George gave her a hard time about that, insisting on the fact that she missed him because she liked him. She denied it quickly because she didn't want to scare Fred off. In all honesty she started to like Fred in her third year. They constantly flirted back and forth to each other, it was normal for them. Nothing came of it of course. They felt so young at the time having a small crush on your best friend didn't seem to be important.  The crush was no longer small. It seemed like the biggest thing in the world. No one knew about her crush, not even Ruby or Frankie. She didn't want to tell anyone incase word got out and went back to Fred. She told herself that she was fine being friends with Fred. 

Addie got up after reading the note and waved it in the air towards her friends. "Guys, its a note from Fred, they're going to be here soon. Clean up your shit Ruby! We've only been here an afternoon and our dorm looks like a tornado hit!" The girls scrambled to clean up the room before they heard a light knock on the wall. Addie was still in her robes and decided to quickly change before they came in. She pulled the first thing she saw out of her trunk to quickly change it was a white tank top and black sweatpants that she stole from Fred last year. She changed and she noticed the room was still a mess. "Fuck!" Addie jumped over her bed and threw the rest of Ruby's clothes is her trunk and tucked it under her bed. Frankie walked over to the wall, tapped it 3 times before the wall slid open revealing who was there. Three smiling faces stepped out through the wall to great them all individually. Fred and George walked through carrying chips and different kinds of candy and set them on Addies trunk at the foot of her bed. Following close behind them was Lee Jordan with an armful of pranks and games. "Hello Ladies" said the twins in unison taking their sweaters off. The Hufflepuff dorms were always way to hot they said, they needed to keep it at a warmer temperature because of all the plants. Addie said that she was always cold so she loved how warm they kept their dorms. 

"Hi boys! glad you could make it over!" Addie said with a grin as she walked over to them to give them each a hug. When she hugged Fred, he hugged her a little tighter than usual. The way he grabbed her felt different as well. She felt his hands trail on her bare skin under the hem of her shirt. Butterflies filled her stomach as Fred swiped his thumb up and down the middle of her sides before letting go and holding her at her hips. " I missed you" he said looking into her eyes deeply. He took her in while he held on to her. Addie was tall with a medium build. She had long brown hair with pink highlights that she got before coming back to school. She had large full eyebrows and long eyelashes that fluttered when she blinked. Her face was covered in freckles along with her shoulders and arms. She had changed a lot since he first time he saw her in Diagon Alley. Her chest had filled out along with her hips. Fred was embarrassed that he noticed but he couldn't help himself. His favorite part about her were her eyes, she had one green and one blue and he would often lose his train of thought when he looked into them. She noticed that Fred was staring at her and turned away to break eye contact. She felt her face start to heat up and turn red because of where his hands were placed.

 "Fred I saw you this morning, and literally an hour ago in the Great Hall. Your not becoming obsessed with me are you?" she smirked at him while everyone laughed in the background. Even though she was surrounded by her friends she still felt like the only person in the room when Fred payed attention to her. Fred let go over her quickly and backed up to sit on the edge of her bed. Just as everyone was getting comfortable they heard a knock on the dorm room door. "Who could that be?" George said in a whisper. The girls looked at each other while they shrugged. Addie went to the door, "Who is it?" she said loud enough so that it could be heard through the door. "Uhh its Cedric." Addie opened the door quickly and pulled him in by his collar before anyone saw. "What are you doing Ced?" Addie whispered so no one could hear her. "I wanted to see you." he replied softly. 

Addie hadn't seen Cedric since last year. They hadn't spoken since Cedric told her that he had feelings for her on train ride back to London. Cedric and Addie got close toward the end of the year spending a lot of time in the common room studying for their exams. When Cedric told her he had feelings for her she just stared at him in shock and never responded. It was really uncomfortable and she didn't want to hurt his feelings. She forgot that it even happened until this very moment. 

Addie stared at him for a second before turning around to the group who were all displaying confused facial expressions. "uh, Cedric is going to join us for some games, I forgot that invited him during the feast." She lied, She didn't even sit buy him during the sorting ceremony. The girls mouthed to her in confusion. She leaned into the girls and whispered, "Just go with it." and the girls nodded in agreement. Fred looked her way as she avoided his gaze, not wanting to have to explain what was going on. 

Ruby and Lee suggested that they start playing a game after an hour of sitting around and catching up and talking about their summers. "Think that is a great idea Lee" George said. George picked a game called Never Have I Ever. Everyone was excited to play, they all gathered in a circle on the floor. Addie sat in front of her bed leaned up against her trunk, Fred sat on her right and immediately after Cedric plopped down on the other side of her. She felt Cedric brush up against her as he sat down. She started to feel hot, her heartbeat raced as she felt Cedric eyes watching her. Lee spoke up pulling a bottle out of his pocket, "So to make sure everyone is telling the truth I brought Veritaserum." "Where did you even get that?" Frankie asked Lee as he unscrewed the bottle to pass it around. "The twins nicked it from Snape's office before we came." Lee said unfazed by the twins antics. Everyone was used to all the crazy things the twins did but they still managed to shock them every time. They passed around the bottle all taking sips before setting it down on the floor. "Alright. Whose first?"

The questions all started off innocently as they went around the circle sharing things they've never done. "Never have I ever shoplifted" was the first question. Both of the twins and Addie put one of their fingers down. It was no surprise to anyone except Cedric. The twins always shoved things into Addie's bag while they shopped so by default she had shoplifted before. During the game Fred slowly crept closer to Addie making the distance between them nonexistent. She could feel his chest press up against her arm. He subtly reached his arm around her, resting it on the trunk sitting behind her. He lightly stroked her shoulder with his finger tips playing with the strap of her tank top, rolling it between his fingertips. She could smell him over her shoulder, it was intoxicating. She could smell cinnamon, broom wax, and a faint  trace of firework powder. She caught herself zoning out but snapped back to the game before anyone noticed. 

 Time went buy and the jabs became more personal. "Never have I ever kissed McLaggen and then 10 minutes later also kiss Cho Chang." Addie said to the group but the only one who put her finger down was Frankie. "Hey! I have no shame about that they're both very attractive and both very good kissers!" Everyone laughed and now it was Cedric's turn to ask a question. He looked at the group before a small smile formed. He stared straight at Addie and said, "Never have I ever had someone tell me they like me after months of flirting and hanging out, kiss them only to lead them on, blow them off, and not respond to any of their letters all summer." Addies faced turned red before the truth serum forced her finger down making her the first person to have all her fingers down. 

"Addie lost!" said Lee "Games over!" Everyone except Addie and Fred stood up to fill up on snacks and talk about what they thought the year was going to be like. 

"Wait." said Fred, "What happened? What is Cedric talking about?" He looked at her like she had just broken his broom. He pulled away from her putting his hands back into his lap. Addie felt cold now that Fred moved away. Fred looked towards Addie with sadness in his eyes, her stomach began to flip. She didn't know how to get herself out of the situation and she could feel the Veritaserum forcing its way out of her mouth. She felt like she was about to throw up. 

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