Chapter One

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-Paisley's POV-

I guess my life isn't perfect but i have a roof over my head and food in my stomach every night, the one friend I'll ever need. Not everyone here is nice but there are good people here.

My best friend is one of those good people. We've been friends since i got here. She's the sweetest person in the pack, but don't mistake her for being naive because she will not hesitate to curse you out or speak her mind. I owe Elana my life.

"You will be attending the festival with Alex and I." Alpha Max said when i entered his office.

My eyes widened a bit as he looked at me before looking back at his computer. "Sir..?"

"Yes?" He says impatiently.

"I thought you only go with Alex.." I say politely, not wanting to sound ungrateful.

"Things have changed, I will also need you to pack extra bags." He says coldly.

"For you, Alpha?"

"No, I've already had my bags prepped. For your friend. Elaina? She will be going as well."

That sends a wave of nausea through me. Why would he be taking Elana? She's never been interested.

"Elana.." I say, but then hurry to recover from my correction of her name. "Yes, sir.. I'll have it done tonight." I said before I left to do as he asked.

Elana stops me up the stairs, "hey, how'd it go? Did you get in trouble?"

"I'm not sure.. I don't think so. He told me to pack us some bags, he wants us at the festival."

I watch fear settle in her eyes, "wh-at?"

She follows me upstairs to my bedroom. It's nothing fancy, its actually kind of plain. But i like it.

"Im sorry, this is all my fault." I whisper.
The truth is, everyone knows what happens when an alpha personally asks for side people to attend. Especially females.. Most of them never return from being bred or sold off for land, money or warriors. And some of them are killed in fights. Not many females are put in fights though.

Elana hugs me tightly, "never. We will stick together, no matter what!"

I sink in her embrace, "forever."

~~~~~~~~~~~(fast forward)

Not much happened last night, we finished packing and then went dinner and then straight to bed. Elana stayed in my room because she didn't want to sleep alone. She slept with her head on my chest. I gladly held her.

I woke up early to shower and head downstairs for breakfast, Elana was already gone when i woke up. I found her in the kitchen helping the maids.

She smiled at me softly when she seen me. The alpha walks in, his beta Alex next to him. I cringe as Alex looks at my body up and down. He's probably the biggest fuckboy in the pack but everyone has to respect him because he is a beta. He doesnt have a mate so he sleeps with any girl he wants. Im not judging him but that's not what I believe in, i believe in saving myself for my one true mate.

"Are you girls ready to go? Everyone else is." The alpha says.

I look to Elana and she looks as though she might pass out, her skin is deathly pale.

"Can i sit with Elana?" I ask, holding her close.

He nods, "load up, we leave in five."

I spend the five minutes reassuring Elana that we will be okay.

The truth is that i wasn't so sure about that. Alpha Max has been acting cold for about a week now. He never talked to me like he does now. He has always been so kind to me.

Alpha Max is like a father to me after my family was.. Taken away from me. He treated me like his own daughter. I know what you might be thinking, he must be super old. Hes actually only thirty-two. Alex being twenty-eight.

-A Day Later-

Instead of driving the entire way, we took a plane that's owned by a fellow alpha that was heading to the festival. The drive to his packlands was half a day so we ended up arriving on the unregulated territories in half the time. We go to a hotel at two in the morning.

Elana and i stayed together the entire time. Especially on the plane, fighters being brought in by the other alpha were constantly staring at us like we were fresh meat. So when one of us needed the bathroom, we both went.

The festival would start upon waking.

(so how did you guys like the first chapter?? Im going to be making some adjustments later on. I'll leave messages along the way to check in!)

(795 words)

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