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Aragorn and Legolas were training in the woods near the mountain.  They were sword training. Legolas was getting better from when he had first met Aragorn, who went by Strider a ranger from the north.

He was one of the Dunedain. He had fled from his path. As they're swords crashed together they heard a cry. Legolas stopped "Did you hear that Aragorn?" he asked "Yeah.I did" he replied "Do you want to check it out?" Aragorn asked. "Yeah." Legolas replied.

They walked further into the forest until the crying was heard right in front of them on the ground. It was a baby girl from what the two could see. Aragorn picked the baby up. There was a not pinned on the blanket that read "I couldn't keep my child. She's half human and half elfling. Her name is Hope. Please find her a good home." Aragorn read aloud.

"What do we do with her?" Legolas asked in elvish "We take her to Lothlorien see if they can take her in." Aragorn replied walking back out of the forest and where they were training. They packed up their things and started their journey to Lothlorien home of the elves.

As they journeyed Legolas and Aragorn grew close with the child. When they entered Lothlorien they were ambushed by the elves protecting the border. 'Haldir of Lothlorien we need to see the Lady Galadriel.' Aragorn whispered to Haldir "Why should we let you pass?" Haldir asked. Legolas showed him the child they found and were carrying. 

"Come." Haldir said taking them to Lady Galadriel and her husband. "We found the child alone in the forest on the ground." Legolas explained to the pair "We were hoping you would take her in." he added handing her over to the Lady Galadriel "We will take care of her." Lady Galadriel said smiling and locking eyes with Legolas and Aragorn. They turned to leave,but as soon as they were leaving Hope started crying reaching her hands out to Legolas and Aragorn.

"It appears she's grown close to you." Galadriel said with a knowing smile. 'What do we do now?" Legolas asked "We take care of her," answered Aragorn  taking her back. He nodded in thanks to the couple.

-Years Later-

"Good very good." Haldir praised Hope smiling slightly at her as she hit target after target in the center with her bow and arrows. "I believe your fathers are back." he said his eyes moving from his goddaughter to Aragorn and Legolas. Hope smiled and called for her horse,Shadow and her hawk, Athena "Thank you Haldir!" she called smiling and riding over to her fathers "Ada, Daddy" she said smiling as they left Lothlorien.

As they were traveling out of Lothlorien Hopes eyes scanned the forest and landed on something laying on the floor. She rode over and ignored her fathers calls sliding off of Shadow and kneeling besides a wolf who was hurt. "I want to take care of her." Hope declared when her fathers arrived besides her. 

So this is my Aralas story. I hope you like it so far and at the bottom of the page is the links to Shadow and Athena

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