Day 3

501 7 7

Gaming/Watching a movie

I of course went with the movie one. Although I bent the rules a bit. It ain't a movie. It's something better.



The lights were off, the room was dark other than the light of the computer screen as Aloha placed the disk in the player and selecting the play option.

"To be honest, I've never seen this show." He confessed, placing his arm around Army's shoulders. "So, don't spoil it, aite babe?"

Army nodded, leaning into his lover's touch. "Of course, love. Although, I am surprised. Your parents were...better, than mine, and they never let you watch this?"

"Nah. Which sucks. I've heard this is great but until now, I've never been able to watch it. Something about the sequel being terrible or some shit."

"The sequel series isn't that bad. I'll admit, they could have done more with it, but it is still a wonderful show." Army smiled. "Now, shush. It's starting."

A soft, female voice came through the speakers of the computer, with Aloha holding Army close and the latter of the two gaining an almost ecstatic look on his face.

"Water. Earth. Fire. Air. My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days..."

Needless to say, Aloha was as captivated as Army, watching Katara and Sokka find the Airbender, fight Zuko, and start their journey. To be honest, Army was more interested at his lover's expressions and reactions. The octoling had watched the show countless times before and had practically memorized most of the episodes. But watching Aloha become so enthralled by this timeless tale was...quite wonderous.

The two were glad they took a break for the week (seeing as Mask and Skull were visiting their respective families), as most of it was occupied by watching The Last Airbender. Laughing at the fails and jokes, cheering when the so-called "Gaang" won, and silent during the rest. Well, minus two parts:

One was "The Tale of Iroh", but we all know that scene makes even the most stoic souls cry. And the other? The very end.

As the final ending credits played, Army looked up to see a tear rolling down Aloha's face.

"Aloha? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, just..." The inkling sniffed, wiping his tears away. "It's over. It's...It's done."

Army smiled. "You do know that The Legend of Korra exists, right?"

And just like that, Aloha's face lit up. "Well? Let's watch it then!"

The octoling placed a kiss to his lover's cheek, ready to go through another journey with him.


Controversial opinion: I like Legend of Korra. Not better than The Last Airbender but I like it.

Partly because I relate to Korra, partly because BOLIN IS FINE LIKE DAAAAAAAAAAYMN


also i hope you're happy i have to go diving in my documents to find all of these f

30 day OTP challenge: Alarmy editionWhere stories live. Discover now