Day 19

281 8 5


Again this is mainly targeted to the artists so just a quick change of this-


Even I probably won't adhere to this but y'know what its my writing

So. Let's go.


Aloha fidgeted nervously with his tie. Army had been invited to a party by his parents, and he was allowed to bring a plus one. Since he kind of had to go, Army had decided to bring Aloha along for moral support/as a date.

However, this was an incredibly formal event, the reason being kept a secret, so the two of them had to wear formal attire. Whilst Army looked incredibly sharp-a simple black tux, with a white tie, and his tentacle brushed behind his ear- Aloha felt like an awkward penguin. It didn't help that he and Army were accidentally twinning (With Aloha having borrowed a white tux and black tie from Skull).

The car stopped in front of the mansion that belonged to the Williams-Vallaha family. Aloha took a deep breath, stepping out and helping Army get out himself.

"Are you sure you're ready, Aloha?" Army asked. "My family...Well, at least my dad's friends and family are very conservative. My mother's another story."

Aloha nodded. "I think so.. So, no showing affection, I'm guessing? At least around your dad and that side of the fam."

"Well, little affection period. The most we can really do is....well, no hugging, kissing, flirting, or any grand display of affection unless you're planning to propose. So, really only linking arms or holding hands."

"Got it. Shall we?" Aloha held out his arm. "Now, shall we?"

Army nodded, gripping onto Aloha's arm. "We shall."

The couple walked in, and almost immediately Aloha felt overwhelmed compared to the amount of people in the main room alone. A few eyes fell onto them-probably due to Aloha's ink color more than anything- but they otherwise went mostly unseen.

"..Hey, Army?" Aloha started. "If you don't mind me asking, why exactly are we here?"

"It's my parent's anniversary." Army explained. "Also known as the day I ran away. I wasn't free, exactly, but it was a step in the right direction. And, just...if we see my dad, we need to find my mom. She's the only one who can calm him down and even then just barely....Actually, let's just find my mom. We'll say hi and then leave. K?"

"Okay. Wait, so what does she look like?"

"Basically me, but with orange eyes instead of green. And tanner skin. She should also be a bit shorter than me which is an achievement seeing as I'm 5'3."

Well, with the crowd, it did take a while-and there were a few close calls with almost running into Army's dad- but, eventually, they managed to meet Army's mom.

The woman smiled wide. "Oh, Army! You've grown so much since we last saw you!"

Army chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Or it's just because I'm wearing heels again..."

"Oh you are?"

The male lifted a leg. "Yeah. I've gotten better at walking in stilettos, now. Rider's brother is helping me out."

"Well, it's nice to know you're still in touch with his family." The woman then turned to Aloha. "And, who's this young woman?"

Aloha felt a slightly painful twinge but pushed it aside. "Oh, I'm Aloha Palliah. It's nice to meet you, ma'am!" He held out a hand to the older woman, who shook it.

30 day OTP challenge: Alarmy editionWhere stories live. Discover now