before we start 🌟

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hello :)
before we start i would like to give credit to the wonderful _HiWeAreOneDirection  for the book cover ♥️♥️♥️

some rickety details i would appreciate if you processed before continuing 👯‍♂️

1. I AM IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM A PROFESSIONAL WRITER!! I WILL MAKE MISTAKES!! and yes i will probably leave them there cos im lazy and wont feel like fixing them.

2. this book will be written with lowercase intended. i have auto capitalization and auto correct turned off on my phone and i cant be arsed to press the uppercase button every 0.9 seconds :)

3. i will apologize profusely for i will not be writing smut into this. some mentions of the s-e-x but no details

4. this book will have bad words cos i swear a lot. fucking deal with it 🥰

5. the first little bit of chapters are (in my lovely opinion) shit. which i hope you can bare with until they get progressively better :)
> im going to go through and edit :)

if you have any suggestions then feel free to leave them here :) it will probably take a while for them to be published, as i have many, many, many drafts already, a slacking amount of motivation and also my personal life to deal with. however i love hearing new ideas (:

i love each and every one of you all so much and thank you for reading 💞

enjoy !!
M xx

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