Chapter 2: -And A Better Life

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Wyatt is awoken to blaring sirens and an astounding message... He may just be about to have his first encounter with whatever could be out there in the galaxy. Arming himself quickly, he prepares to meet whoever has answered the distress call... Will they be friend, or foe?


I will be referencing, and using minor elements of other fandoms in this story as well, such as Halo. Mostly for ease of description.

Chapter 2:


I woke up with a start at this siren going off and quickly got to my feet, which thankfully decided to cooperate with my brain now that there was an emergency to attend to. "SIA, what's going on?" I asked the AI of my head.

"A ship has been detected. They are sending a boarding party." she informed me. Welp, that didn't leave many options.

I quickly thought about my situation... "Please tell me there are munitions on this ship." I pleaded to her, hoping to God I had some sort of defence against whoever was deciding to pay me a visit...

"There are Commander. In the next corridor." she directed me. I walked over with a slight limp and the big metal door automatically opened... Okayyyy then... I saw a suit of what looked like green Power Armor (Halo Mark VIII Mjolnir), a knife(Rambo: First Blood II), and some kind of gun(MA5B ICWS). I assumed weapons would have been lasers or something... I got geared up and picked up the rifle. "To make you more comfortable, a 21st century weapon has been modified to recent military high-grade special operations specifications for your use." SIA told me and I nodded at that. Well, that made more sense.

I nodded as I began to climb into the armour. "Cheers SIA." I spoke. I put the armour on and felt it plug into... Various places throughout my body... It was a little uncomfortable at first. I cocked the rifle and tested it, seeing it had a reticle rather than iron sights that I think my armour's helmet projected. I had finished the checks as I heard the door before me shift... I jumped behind a crate and prepared for whoever was coming through. Or whatever if I was very unlucky. The door opened and I popped up, aiming my rifle at them. I hoped they understood English... "Hands, tentacles, or whatever appendages you have in the fucking air!" I spoke clearly, although that was hard with my younger voice... The helmet did help though.

Two suited beings, bipedal luckily, did as requested since I surprised them. "No, don't shoot!" said one... Then another walked in between them, his hands clasped behind his back as he stood with authority. His suit was mainly red.

Gritting my teeth, I barked out. "Hands in the fucking air, or I'll pop that mask of yours." I threatened him, but he stood his ground. I'd dealt with others like this before, who thought I didn't have the balls. Boy are they wrong.

He decided to speak up that that moment. "And who are you to make such demands?" he asked me and I shot the ground near his feet. The other two jumped at that, and he raised his hands to chest height. "Okay... Okay..." he nodded to me, getting the point I was making it seemed.

I kept my rifle raised just in case. "What do you want?" I asked him simply as I stepped out from cover.

"We're scavengers... Quarians..." he spoke, his voice clear. Had some kind of accent to him... Judging by his posture, he must be some sort of leader figure to these beings... My helmet's visor became transparent (Didn't know that could happen, but cool) and lowered my rifle upon a green lighting that flashed in my peripheral, signifying they were in the clear it seemed.

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