Chapter 23: Noveria: Return Of The Rachni

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Tali, Garrus, Shepard and Liara all rush to Wyatt's aid as they find out Alestia is following him and intends to harm him... The team also meet Han Olar, who proceeds to explain what the infestation at Peak 15 really is... Once they deliver the cure, they are granted access to the maintenance area of the complex and make a discovery...

Chapter 23:

:2 minutes earlier - Shepard's POV:

I was talking to the merchant, buying a license for the quartermaster when I saw Alestia going towards the elevator... With guns!? "Tali, Liara, Garrus! Get out here!" I exclaimed toward the Med Bay. Alestia turned with a grin, winking as the door shut and locked behind her...

The squad came running, weapons drawn. "What is it?" Garrus asked me.

I banged on the door once. "Tali! Open this! Now!" I exclaimed to her. "Alestia headed after Wyatt strapped with weapons." I told them and tali faltered for a second before the door opened. We ran after her and watched as the lift door shut and she waved to us teasingly.

I punched the glass and she backed up as it cracked and the elevator went down... "Dammit! I'll kill her if she hurts him!" Tali growled... Wow she was scary like this...

We waited for the lift impatiently and when it arrived, we got in. When it reached the labs, we ran out, through the doors and saw Alestia pull a pistol and gun down the guard... She had Geth with her! She turned us and winked as the door to the lab closed and sealed...

Liara spun around to the Quarian. "Tali!" she exclaimed in a panicked voice.

She looked up at Liara, fire in her eyes. "I know! I know!" she exclaimed right back, typing in her Omni-Tool... "Almost.... Got... It!" she exclaimed. As the door opened, Alestia came flying through and hit a crate that was opposite the doorway with a 'crack!'. I think she was dead...

Wyatt walked out of the lab, his helmet in his hand, breathing heavily, covered in hydraulic fluid. He looked at us for a second and raised his eyebrow... "What?" he asked as he looked at him. Tali then leapt at him, wrapping her arms around him.

He stumbled back a bit, but returned the hug. "I was so worried..." she whispered, but loud enough so we could hear her.

Wyatt just chuckled at that. "Stupid bitch trapped in me in close quarters." he smirked as he gently put Tali down and wiped his face, smearing the fluid all over.

Tali just rolled her eyes and took a cloth out of... Somewhere in her suit. I won't ask. She wiped his face and then wiped him down as best she could. When she was done, he looked much cleaner. "There. Done." she nodded, appreciating her work... And him, I think.

He chuckled then and pressed his head against her visor. "Thank you, Tali." he spoke in a slightly teasing voice.

:Wyatt's POV:

When Tali and I were done flirting, we went to leave, but saw a... Err, little suited guy gesturing us over... "That's a Volus." Garrus whispered to me. Ah, so not a male Quarian that is for some reason short as fuck? Got it.

He took a breath, likely from his suit's rebreather. I suppose if he couldn't inhale oxygen then talking would require a large breath of whatever air he can indeed breathe. "They came out of there." he pointed to a... Maintenance area, I think...

I looked at him. "The Geth?" I asked.

He nodded at that. "The Asari, Matriarch Benezia brought them." he explained to us. "Now, I assume you want to know about... Them, don't you?" he asked us.

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