Chapter 5: Backalley Brawl

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Heading down to the Wards to mix with a crowd more his style, Wyatt comes across someone in need of his help. Unable to deny someone in need, no matter their race, colour, creed or species, he elects to assist this injured girl by whatever means necessary. For the first time he also witnesses blatant speciesism in action, and doesn't like it one bit.

Chapter 5:

I saw the elevator leading to the Wards and entered. It took a while, but eventually reached another floor... "Now, to the end and right, through a door and another elevator." she explained. I complied and walked, hearing the conversations of inhabitants of the station. I paid a little attention, but not much. The hallway wound into the elevator at the end. I walked toward it, my hands in my pockets, my face relaxed yet weary. I probably looked pretty shady actually.

The elevator opened for me and I was about to press the button for it to go when I heard... "Stop...! Please, hold the elevator!" it was a female voice.

"Sure-" I did as asked about see who asked when I saw a Quarian limping toward me, clearly wounded as she was clutching her side quite painfully. As she went, a Turian nudged her aside, scoffing at her.

He regarded her with little to no concern... "Damn suit-rat." he spat. I exited the elevator, quickly turned him around to face me and gobbed him, sending him down to the floor. He held his jaw and quickly got up, running off.

I shook my head at him. "Pathetic excuse of an alien..." I spat. I then looked, seeing the Quarian had fallen down from his hard nudge. "Come on, love." I let out a groan as I helped her up, putting her arm around me while leaning down to allow her to do so, and got her into the elevator carefully. It began to descend. Not quick enough... "What happened?" I asked her as she had to lean into me.

She looked away from me. "Not that I'm not grateful, but I'd rather keep that to myself." she said to me, clearly in pain. She shook her head as if trying to clear her head.

I felt like I needed to do something else to help... Well, I knew first-aid well enough. When it came to humans that is... "Maybe I can take a look at-" I reached toward her and she grabbed my hand with a surprising amount of grip, breathing heavily.

She shook her head frantically now... "No!" she exclaimed worriedly and I was quite shocked and a bit taken aback. She sighed and looked at me. "We Quarians have weak immune systems, and our DNA is Dextro-Amnio, meaning it would be easier for me to get sick from a Levo-Amnio, like yourself." she explained, breathing in pain the whole time. "I'd rather be treated at a sterile Clinic thank you." she told me. She was quite shaken up it seemed.

I backed up from her. "Sorry, I should have asked." I apologised to her.

She gasped in pain once again. "It's okay... You're just trying to help, which I'm thankful for..." she groaned out painfully... "And I'm running a fever, so please, excuse my attitude..." she apologised.

The elevator then arrived at it's destination and I slung her arm back over me. "Right, tell me where to go. I'll get you to the Clinic." I promised her. She sighed, realising she had little choice at this point. She just looked looked at me confused when I asked as well.

"You don't have the map on your Omni-Tool?" she asked me and I gave her a 'what do you think?' look and she just got her own one up. "Through the door at the end and then left." she said and I took off. I was quite fast so it was no time before I swung left past a set of stairs. "It's the next door... On... The left..." she began to pass out and I shook her.

She cried out in pain, but was awake. "Stay awake, alright?!" I told her and the door before me opened. I saw a Doctor standing there looking at a console on the wall. "Doc, we need your help!" I exclaimed. Her attention immediately snapped to me and her eyes went wide when she saw the Quarian I was supporting. "She's been shot, I think." I breathed, scratching the back of my head as I had placed the Quarian down on a stretcher and the Doc gave me a sceptical look.

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