Chapter 30: Virmire: Genophage Blues

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The crew all converge for an attack on a facility Saren has set up on Virmire, in the cliffs. However, before the assault can begin, there is an issue with Wrex that must be dealt with... Once Wyatt has dealt with that, he offers more insight into his past as a master infiltration agent, and offers to lend his scouting expertise during the first stage of the assault.

Chapter 30:

"You go rest up, we'll see what's up." I smiled to Tali. She nodded to me then and hugged me before going off.

Shepard and myself both walked over to where Ash and Kaiden were talking to the Salarian Captain... "So what're we supposed to do now?" Ash asked.

She was standing in front of a Salarian, who looked to be the Commanding Officer. "Stay put until we can come up with a plan." came the answer.

As we approached I spoke to the Captain. "Status report." I spoke to him.

He huffed at that in amusement. "Look around. That's a pretty good indicator right now." he spoke gravely... Well that's not good news.

Shepard raised his eyebrow then. "Okay... Are you in charge here?" Shepard asked him.

The Salarian answered. "I'm Captain Kirrahe, Third Infiltration Regiment STG. Apologies, but I'm very stressed right now." he told us, apologising for the earlier remark. "You and your crew have just landed in the middle of a hotzone. Every AA gun within ten miles has been alerted to your presence." he continued to explain.

I shrugged at that. "Ahh, I've been in worse spots." I smirked to the Captain. "So, what now Captain?" I asked.

He sighed and looked down then. "We stay put until the Council sends the reinforcements we requested." he suggested to us with a shrug of his own in response.

Kaiden piped up then. "We are the reinforcements." he let the Captain know.

The Captain took a step back and didn't look happy. "What? You're all they sent? I told the Council to send a fleet!" he exclaimed in disbelief.

Shepard shrugged slightly then. "We couldn't understand your transmission. They sent us to investigate." he explained to Kirrahe.

He wasn't pleased with that answer. "That is a repetition of our task." he stated to us. "I lost half my men investigating this place." he grumbled, clearly unhappy.

Kaiden was quick to ask. "So what have you found?"

Kirrahe managed a smile at that. "Saren's base of operations. He's set up a research facility here, but it's crawling with Geth and very well fortified." he explained what the place was, gesturing to a large wall near the camp.

I adjusted my rifle strap at that. "Saren? Here?" I asked, wondering if we'll encounter the git and be able to put him down here and now.

Kirrahe shook his head to me then. "No, we haven't spotted him. However, his Geth are everywhere, and we've intercepted some comms referring to Saren. This is his facility, there's no doubt about that." he informed us helpfully.

Shepard seemed unsure about the whole thing. "What's Saren researching?" he asked the Captain.

He seemed very nonchalant, although that's to be expected I suppose. "He's using the facility to breed an army of Krogan." the Captain explained to us.

Wait, what? With the genophage? How? Unfortunately, Wrex chose that time to appear... "How is that possible?" he asked the Captain.

Said Captain then divulged a crucial piece of information... "Apparently, Saren has discovered a cure for the genophage." he stated plainly.

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