Chapter 18: Noveria: Cold Callers

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Shepard, Wyatt and the gang arrive at Noveria to investigate Saren's presence there. Upon arriving, they realise Matriarch Benezia herself is there, and she's not alone, either. When told where she is, Wyatt attempts to gain access to see her, but has no luck in dealing with the Administator, and must find another way...

Chapter 18:

I woke up to Joker announcing we were coming up on Noveria... I quickly went and got my gear on, heading to the cockpit to see to our landing. Shepard was already there, standing behind Joker on the left, his arms clasped behind his back.

Joker then went on the comm to inform Noveria Control about our landing. "Control, this is SSV Normandy, requesting vector and a berth, over." he spoke to them

We instantly got a reply from Noveria approach control. "Normandy, your arrival was not scheduled. Our defence grid is armed and tracking you. State your business." They requested of us.

Joker was quick to answer. "Citadel business. We've got a Council Spectre aboard." he stated confidently.

Noveria Control didn't sound very convinced. "Landing access granted, Normandy. Be advised we will be confirming identification upon arrival. If confirmation cannot be established, your vessel will be impounded." he warned us as we landed in the docking bay.

Joker was amused by their conduct. "What a fun bunch. I think I'll take my next leave here." he smirked and began the docking procedures.

I chuckled at that. "Oh aye. Lovely place with amazing weather too, so I hear." I added as the team assembled at the airlock. "Garrus, Tali, Liara, with us. Everyone else start helping the Quartermaster offload supplies for trade." I ordered and everyone began mobilising.

Shepard and I stepped out of the airlock. "Logged. The Commanding Officer and XO are ashore. SO Pressly has the deck." The Normandy VI stated.

We stepped off the Normandy and into the docking bay. The crew began stacking crates along the bay as we walked. We headed to the right and along before turning right again and heading into a greeting area it seemed. There were security guards waiting for us...

We approached them and one of them, the leader, held her hand up. "That's far enough." She told us.

I chuckled and stepped forwards. "Council business. Step aside." I told her.

She looked at me suspiciously. "This is an unscheduled arrival, I need to see your credentials." she stated.

Shepard was about as happy as I was it seemed. "You first." he told her.

The blonde one next to her spoke then. "We're the law here, show some respect." she ordered us. Hah! Respect, right.

The leader then answered our question. "I'm Captain Maeko Matsuo. Elanus Risk Control Services." she informed us.

I raised my eyebrow to her. "Well, we're Spectres. Commander Warwick, and Commander Shepard." I gestured to Shepard next to me who nodded.

The blonde was not best pleased. "Load of horsecrap ma'am." she stated confidently. I really wanted to shoot her.

The Captain was on the fence it seemed. "We will need to confirm that." she told us. "Also, I must advise you that firearms are not permitted on Noveria. Sergeant Stirling, secure their weapons." she told the blonde. As she approached, we all drew on them, with the three guards drawing right back.

I saw Liara charge her biotics and holy hell it was scary. Garrus then spoke up. "Citadel authority supercedes yours." he stated to them coolly.

Shepard shook his head. "Nobody's taking my guns." He told them.

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