Chapter 7: 20 Questions And Then Some

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Wyatt plays 20 Questions with his new ally, Commander Shepard, along with Tali'Zorah, Kaiden Alenko and Garrus Vakarian. He also meets the Council, helping to report Saren's betrayal as well as getting some rather surprising news...

Chapter 7:

Shepard turned to me then, and I sensed he had questions. "So Commander Warwick, what brings you to our time?" he asked and I chuckled.

"Cryogenic stasis." I stated with a grin on my face.

He rolled his eyes and gave a laugh. "I mean... How?" he asked again, though not really a proper question.

I gave a shrug. "No idea. The ship I was on was damn near falling apart. Didn't have time to look at the terminals for information." I told them.

Shepard looked to the side and then back to me again. "Well... Glad you're here. Could use the help." he nodded to me decidedly.

I gave a single laugh then. "Don't they always? I'm doing what I used to, just on a larger scale, with better equipment... Oh, and aliens." I smirked and Garrus nudged me for that. Tali made some kind of symbol I can only guess was supposed to be rude.

She then spoke up. "So... Who are you, exactly?" Tali asked, stepping closer slightly to me. "They all speak as though you're famous."

Oh boy, where to start? "I lived back in the Earth year 2014. That's about 160 years ago, give or take." I told her and she gasped. Even Garrus' eyes widened.

He gave a small laugh then. "Damn. No one told me humans live that long." he grinned to me and I rolled my eyes.

"They don't. I'm an exception. No idea how, but they brought me back. Some kind of miracle science probably. God knows. Back in my day, we discovered a lot of things about science that made everything a bit different." I gave a shrug. "I'm me I'm pretty sure, and that's what counts right now." I nodded assuredly.

Shepard then added his own knowledge. "He was a renowned military leader back on Earth." he crossed his arms and leaned on a wall looking over.

I grinned widely and decided on a more accurate answer. "I was a fucking psychopath." I chuckled and everyone just looked at me. "Well... It's complicated. Two 'personalities', although that isn't the right word. They're both me, just with differing morals on how to get the job done." I explained. "The other me, is there to protect those I care about at any cost. To earn peace on Earth I did some horrible things in the name of the greater good. While it was... Bloody, there was no other way. I took that burden and made it my own so no one else had to." I said, speaking seriously, looking down at the floor. "I knew it was wrong, but also necessary. I still carry that with me now." I sighed and Shepard spoke up.

He turned his head to me as he spoke with conviction. "You did what you could with what you had. No one else could've made a better choice." he assured me and I gave a low chuckle to him.

"I guess. Still weighs on me." I shrugged and looked at my watch SIA had also given me. Useless now I guess, since we're in fucking space and all. "We should go. They're probably waiting." I sighed. Well, can still keep track of how long has passed, at least in human terms.

As I got up to move Tali suddenly took my hand in hers... "We've all made decisions like that. Maybe not on that scale, but still... You need to move on. The world, and galaxy has." she said quietly and left the room with the others... I watched her leave, my eyes dropping down to...

I stopped both that train of thought and my roaming eyes. I blinked and shook my head, following them out. We got in the rapid transit and landed in quite a nice looking area. We went up some steps and saw Anderson waiting for us at the bottom of some more steps...

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