Chapter 3: Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 1

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After being helped by his newfound Quarian allies, Wyatt makes his way to the Citadel. Here, he must track down the Ambassador and try to get squared away with regards to his new life in the Galaxy. While being on the Citadel for the first time, he meets some rather interesting people...


Just a warning, chapter publication will be choppy. Part of me wants to post once a week, but I'm far too impatient for that... And just so you know, any comments would be appreciated. Also, images for the clothing and weapon I mention in this chapter are at the bottom, for those who like visual aids.

Chapter 3:

"Wyatt, we're here." came Kal's blurry voice... I came to, stretched and looked out the side window at space as I sat up properly...

Wow... what a view. "Well, it looks pretty at least..." I mumbled a little and Kal nodded to me at that.

"It does. But then, I'm a marine. I shoot things rather than admire them." he nodded with his hands clasped behind his back.

I gave a small smile at those words. "Amen brother." I nodded as I peered out of the... Window? Was it a window? Viewscreen? Whatever it was. Then I saw it. My god... This station... It was fucking massive... Biggest non-natural structure I've ever seen in my life...

I was snapped out of my admiration by a crackle. 'Come in craft, this is Citadel Control, you are not identified, please identify yourself.' came a voice over the... Radio? Or whatever it was.

Kal pressed something out of my sight as I peered out of the window once more. "This is Kal'Reegar, of the Migrant Fleet. We apologise for the intrusion, but we have a human aboard here who is lost. We are returning him to his people." he informed them over the radio.

There was a beat of silence... 'Roger Kal'Reegar, scans have confirmed a human lifesign aboard. Please make your drop and be on your way. Security is tightened right now, and we do not allow unauthorised craft. I apologise.' the person said to them and the Quarians nodded.

In paerticular, Kal seemed relieved at that"Understood Citadel Control we'll be gone as fast as we arrived." he told the person on the line and it went dead.

He then sighed and looked to me. "Here you are, Wyatt. Good luck." Kal said to me... Swear he smiled behind his mask. He held out his... Hand, to shake and I took it... God that feels fucking weird with those... fingers.

I gave a weak smile in return, making my visor clear. "Cheers Kal." I said. The back of the craft opened into some kind of docking area and I stepped down. The craft then detached from the station and flew away as I watched it longingly...

A throat was cleared behind me then. "Control told us to greet whoever landed he- holy shit..." came a voice. I turned around and found I was towering over a... Police officer of sorts in what I guessed passed for military gear in the Space Age. I looked down at him and took my helmet off, leaving my rifle dangling from a strap on my chest.

Well, suppose I should just get right to the point. "I'm Commander Wyatt Warwick, I'm... From the year 2014." I told him bluntly, no hesitation or quiver in my voice. I didn't have time to fuck around right now.

He looked at me blankly for a minute and shook his head. "Wait... What?!" he asked in exclamation and I sighed to him. As I said, I had no time for this.

I began to consider my limited options. "Look, i-" I cut off as a brightly coloured.. Glove thing appeared on his arm and he waved it over me... What the fuck was it?! How did I not notice anything like it before?! Too much adrenaline to ask many questions I guess. Or even notice things like that. Now that I did... It surprised the hell out of me.

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