Chapter 11: Top Brass & Wyatt Takes The Citadel, Part 3

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After visiting the Citadel for a resupply, Wyatt and Shepard are ambushed by top brass, wanting to badger them about Normandy and all she entailed. Once that's dealt with, Wyatt goes shopping for Tali and Garrus, buying them some nice things. He then goes back to Normandy, giving Garrus his gift, and Tali hers, talking to both before finding himself in an... Interesting position.

Chapter 11:

I read up on the basics of engineering as much as I could for the next few hours until I heard the announcement from Joker that we're on our approach vector to the Citadel.

Everyone was in the CIC, waiting for a little shore leave before we head to the next planet on our journey. Everyone moved aside when they saw me approach. I ended up next to Kaiden who turned to me. "Hey Commander." he nodded to me and I turned my head to him, nodding back.

"Alright man?" I asked him as the ship jolted very slightly.

He turned his head to me as well then. "Yeah, I'm good. Picking up some pain meds on the Citadel." he told me. Huh... Wonder why?

I raised my eyebrow then. "Drug problems, Alenko?" I asked him and he looked shocked at that.

"What?! No!" he exclaimed, more out of surprise than anger. "Ah, right, forgot you don't know... Biotics have implants. Helps to control and allows us to use our abilities. Well... Except Asari. They're biotic from birth. With better implants we can hone our skills better. I have an outdated implant, an L2. Most who got this implant ended up... Well... It wasn't good. Messes with your brain. I get migraines." he explained to me. Ah. That makes sense.

I nodded in understanding then. "Right, I see. Don't know if Earth meds are outdated now, but have you tried raw codeine?" I asked him.

He thought for a second. "Well, there's Medi-Gel. It's what most people use in combat. Heals wounds, stops pain and infection. But doesn't help with headaches or pain not caused by a wound." he explained to me. Made sense as far as I could tell. "I'm gonna see if Citadel medical has anything experimental that could help." he said. "And you, Sir?" he asked.

I put my hand on my chin thoughtfully. "Well... Was thinking of buying some equipment. The crew has good gear, but Garrus and Tali need some better stuff." I told him. He then smirked and nudged me.

Uh oh... "Ahhh. Trying to get lucky with Tali, huh Commander?" he asked me. I was stunned to silence for a good minute or so before responding.

Damn it, Wyatt, get it together... "I... I mean... Maybe." I finally managed to say. He just continued to smirk and I grumbled in response.

His eyes flicked to me then. "Don't worry Commander. Your secret's safe with me." he promised and I just nodded to him in thanks.

The ship came to a halt and the airlock opened. This resulted in everyone immediately exiting the Normandy. I waited for everyone and then followed suit. However, there was a block... Everyone stood to attention, saluting... "At ease, I'm looking for the Commanders." I heard and everyone entered the elevator...

Shepard then approached next to me along with Kaiden and Ash... The crows dispersed to reveal a man in dress blues and a cap standing before us. "Ten-Hut!" Ash exclaimed, standing to attention and giving a salute.

Kaiden mirrored the crisp salute. "Admiral on deck!" Kaiden exclaimed.

The Admiral just nodded. "At ease." he told them and they dropped their salutes.

I chuckled a bit. "Oh shit, it's the brass." I said as Shepard and myself saluted, myself doing a British Army salute.

Shepard also seemed surprised at finding the Admiral. "Rear Admiral Boris Mikhailovich, Fifth Fleet." he introduced himself to Shepard and myself.

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