Chapter 26: Noveria's Debriefing and Matters Of The Heart

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The team finally get off of Noveria and debrief. Shepard and Warwick report their progress to the Council, who are none too pleased with some of their decisions... Afterwards, Wyatt sits down to eat and relax and takes some time to talk to some of the crew about recent events before getting some sleep.

Chapter 26:

We all put our gear away and went to the debriefing room. Ash spoke up first. "What's our next move, Commanders? Head for the Mu Relay?" she asked us.

Shepard and I shook her heads. "The Mu Relay could link to dozens of systems. Unless we know exactly where Saren's going, we'd just be wasting our time." he explained to her.

I nodded at that. "Aye, I don't plan searching through every system the Relay links to." I chuckled.

Liara then spoke up, having recovered a lot since Peak 15. "The Commanders are right. We cannot rush off blind. We still need to learn more about Saren." she agreed with us.

Ash scoffed at that and scowled at Liara. "Who put you in charge? Did the Commanders resign while I wasn't looking?" Ash asked her venomously, leaning back and placing her right leg over her left.

I saw Liara flinch and I wasn't having this shit. "Oi! Stow it, Williams. She's only trying to help." I pointed at her in warning.

Williams stood down than and sat properly. "Sorry, Commander." she apologised. To the wrong person, but we didn't have time to play schoolyard.

Shepard sighed and nodded, sitting up. "This is a tough mission. We're all on edge. Everyone go get some rest. Crew... dismissed!" he exclaimed to the crew.

Joker hen sounded out over the intercom. "Noveria report is away, Commanders. Shall I patch you through to the Council?" he asked us.

We both nodded to each other. "Patch them through, Joker." Shepard told him.

"Aye aye." he said as the Council appeared before us.

They were instantly curious. "Is this report accurate, Commander? You found Rachni on Noveria?" Tevos asked us the moment the link was up.

Sparatus was less than impressed obviously. "And then released the Queen! Do you have any idea what you've done?! How many generations until they overrun the galaxy?" he asked us rhetorically.

Valern then made his own inquiry. "I'm very interested in the part that says you spoke to her in the language of her people?" he asked me... Without actually asking a question.

I shrugged at that. "As Valern said, I spoke to her directly. It was a link between us, two minds due to my... previous encounters with elements akin to this. We each felt the other, and I... felt that she does not mean harm. She wishes to survive her race is all. I don't begrudge her that. We weren't about to commit genocide on an entire race." I stated to them simply.

Shepard nodded to them then. "She understood why her race had to be wiped out last time. She doesn't intend for that to happen again." he explained further to them.

Sparatus conceded our points then. "I hope you're right, Shepard. Out children's children will pay the price if you're not." he relented.

Tevos then concluded the debriefing. "We'll be waiting your next report, Commanders." she nodded to us as the link was cut.

We both sighed and then made our way out. I headed down to the armoury and took a look at my armour... Some scratches and burns that were fading on the helmet. Nothing major. Good. I went back up the Mess Hall through the elevator that takes an entire cycle to move.

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