Chapter 8: The Normandy And Her Crew

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Wyatt boards the Normandy SR-1 for the first time, meeting some of the crew and getting a medical examination courtesy of Doctor Karin Chakwas. He also talks more about his past to his crewmates, revealing quite a bit of information about himself for the first time in a long time...

Chapter 8:

Shepard turned left with me following and we entered the Normandy, turning left when we went through the fucking long decon. We ended up in the cockpit, the pilot sitting there at the controls. He turned his head when he noticed us standing there. "Hey, Commander... s? I heard about what happened to Captain Anderson, survives 100 battles and then gets taken down by backroom politics." he said to us, shaking his head.

I looked down at him. "As opposed to frontroom politics?" I asked with a grin and he smirked right back to me.

He nodded to me. "Good point, but watch your back, things go bad on this mission, you're next on their chopping block." he pointed out and I nodded in agreement at that.

"Saren's out there somewhere and we're going to find him." said Shepard with conviction.

"Fuckin' right." I said in agreement.

The pilot then spoke up again. "Everyone on this ship is behind you, 100%. Intercoms open, if you've got anything to say to the crew, now's the time." he affirmed to us.

"This is Commander Shepard."

"And this is Commander Warwick."

Shepard looked to me and we had a silent exchange. "We have our orders: find Saren before he finds the conduit." said Shepard clearly.

I then spoke. "Now then crew, this is going to hard going, we won't lie. This won't be easy, we could go down or die, but by God we're going down fighting if we go down at all." I added.

"For too long our species has stood apart from the others, now it's time for us to step up and do our part for the rest of the galaxy, time to show them what humans are made of!" Shepard explained heartily.

"Many of you don't know me, but I'd like to change that. What you should know is that I get the job done. Saren is expecting us, we don't have the pleasant luxury of surprise, he was at the Council meeting, and his agents most likely know what transpired in that last Council meeting, going into the Traverse will bring Saren's followers and wrath down upon us, but we will meet them with equal and better force." I said to them, bringing my fist down in my open palm.

Shepard then continued. "Humanity needs to do this... Not just for our own sake, but for the sake of every other species in Citadel Space. Saren must be stopped, and I promise you, we will stop him!" he nodded.

I smirked and leaned over. "Now then, get to your stations, get ready to save the galaxy, and to, lets not forget, kick some ass! Commander Warwick and Shepard out!" I finished.

The pilot nodded to us. "Well said Commanders, the Captain would be proud." he praised our speech.

Shepard turned his head to him. "The Captain gave up everything so we could have this chance, we can't fail." he stated with determination.

I placed hand on both their shoulders. "Guys, we won't fail." I reassured.

"Yes sirs!" the pilot exclaimed.

I turned to Shepard, nodding in appreciation. "Good speech." I said.

"You too." he replied.

I chuckled and shrugged. "Yeah well... It's a gift..." I said modestly. Shepard just rolled his eyes and chuckled, walking through the ship while I turned to the pilot. Best place to to start. "Well, as you heard, I'm Commander Wyatt Warwick. Just call me Wyatt. Or Commander if you're that obsessed with formality." I chuckled and he turned to me with a smile on his face. Seemed permanently stuck there actually.

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