Chapter 28: Family Dispute

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The crew arrive to find Wrex's armour.


Shorter chapter this time, but eh.

Chapter 28:

Oh lord, this terrain was rocky as hell... We were getting bounced around like keys in a trampolinist's pocket... I almost threw up a few times. We all gripped our seats tightly, worried that if we let go we'd be tossed about the cabin like ragdolls. When the rollercoaster from hell finally stopped, I actually jumped out, ripped my helmet off and threw up, coughing like hell. I almost suffocated, so I quickly resealed my armour.

Shepard crossed his arms and grumbled. "I get it! My driving needs work..." he said to us and everyone knew he'd need a miracle really...

Tali then made sure I was okay, putting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded to her and we entered the building... "This is the place. My armour's here somewhere..." Wrex nodded to us.

I nodded back to him and the Soliton came online. "I count... About eight hostiles, maybe more." I noted and everyone prepared themselves.

Shepard then gave his orders. "Everyone pick your targets, we're going in." he told us.

We opened the door into the main area and quickly spread out. Three pirates ran past my cover and I gunned them down from behind before they could react. Idiots.

I saw Tali stab one in the throat with her boot knife, blast another away and overload another's armour, freezing him in place while she shot him in the head with her pistol.

Shepard gunned down two in close quarters...

Finally, Actus. We entered the end room and found Wrex had him held in the air by the throat... "Turian scumbag. Taking things that don't belong to you." Wrex growled to him.

The guy looked panicked. "Come on man! I'll give you money, women, mercs, valuables, anything! Just tell me what you want!" he pleaded to Wrex.

Said Krogan just shrugged. "I want you to die." he stated simply and snapped the Turian's neck with one hand easily. He threw the body aside then.

I saw a safe ahead that must contain the armour. "Tali, could you-"

I cut off as a smashing sound was heard and I saw Wrex's arm through the safe... He pulled it out, his armour along with it. "This is it..." he realised. "I can't believe my ancestors ever wore this piece of crap, but at least I've got it back." he said with some relief in his voice.

I nodded to him and patted his upper arm. "No worries, lad. Least we could do." I shrugged.

Shepard agreed with me it seemed. "I'm glad we could help." he said to Wrex.

Wrex let a smile creep up the side of his face. "I might just be starting to like you, Commanders." he said in appreciation. He then touched the armour and looked... Thoughtful? He shook it off and gripped his gun with renewed purpose then...

"We're done here." I stated. "Joker, come get us." I said over the radio...

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