Chapter 12: Feros: Welcome To The Colony

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The team quickly arrive at Feros, finding it under Geth assault. Assisting the colonists of Zhu's Hope, the squad must figure out just what feels so wrong about the place...

Chapter 12:

I woke up... Err... I don't know how long it's been... In space, no one knows without a clock I guess. I noticed I was now laying on the deck, with Tali snuggled up to me tightly. I'll admit, metal panelling is not the most uncomfortable place I've slept. Having Tali holding me was an added bonus for sure. I realised I had my arms around her and I smiled as I lay my head back down.

I felt a stirring about 10 minutes later and I looked to see Tali moving. Her gaze moved up my body and then to me... "Did I fall asleep on you?" she asked nervously. I just chuckled.

Nodding, I gave her an answer. "Aye, you did. Happens." I shrugged. "Can't say I'm unhappy." I gave her a wink and she looked away. She blushes when she does that, I'm sure of it. I saw the food was also eaten... "If I didn't know better, I'd say you got up, had some food, then snuggled back up to me..." I smirked and I saw her eyes widen behind her visor.

"I- I, what? Err, no!" she exclaimed, not very convincingly at that.

I just grinned at her. "Tali, I really don't mind having a cute girl holding me, or vice versa." I told her. She must have been blushing like hell under that mask.

She stammered some more, and she really was adorable. "A-anyway, we- we should get on with your lessons..." she decided and I smirked at her.

I then stood up quickly as if I had been doing press ups and stood to attention, saluting. "Aye ma'am." I spoke to her in my clear voice.

I could see her roll her eyes at me as I helped her up and she began our lessons...


"So Mass Effect Fields do just that? Effect mass?" I asked and she nodded. "So you're just making things insanely light then?" I continued and she beamed, clearly happy about my conclusion.

She then continued her explanation. "Extremely dense or evenly-blended alloys can be created by the use of high mass compaction and low-mass fields, respectively." she explained to me.

I looked to her then. "And all of this is possible with Eezo?" I asked her and she nodded again to me. "Damn..." I shook my head.

The intercom then activated. "Alright everyone, 30 minutes out to Feros." Joker told us over the comm and I remembered I had something for Tali...

"Oh, here." I said nervously, giving her the box with the Omni-Tool in it. I swear her eyes widened...

She then audibly gasped. "The... The new Nexus X!" she exclaimed and looked at me. "This must have cost... I don't even want to think about how much..." she marvelled at the new Omni-Tool. "I've always wanted a Nexus..." she smiled and looked at me. "I... How can I thank you?" she asked me.

I shook my head in response. "I just like seeing you happy." I answered her and she blushed...

"20 minutes to Feros." Joker announced to us. Tali and I then looked to each other and nodded. She headed to her locker, and me to mine by the Mess Hall. I saw John walking out of his room, yawning as he reached his locker.

I smirked to him as I picked out my jumpsuit "Good sleep?" I asked him. He just grumbled in response. "Ah, not a 'morning' person?" I asked him. He nodded to me and sighed.

He got out his armour and began to put it on. "Sometimes." he gave a shrug. "Today is one of those days I need to fully wake up." he told me as I put my own armour on. I held my helm and looked at the golden visor for a minute...

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