Chapter 24: Noveria: The Cold Hands Of A Warm Heart

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Wyatt, Shepard and the crew confront Matriarch Benezia in Peak 15, and she's not alone. They first try to reason with her, although that doesn't work out so well. The gang need to fight using all of their training and experience to defeat Benezia's team of highly trained Asari Commandos and Geth units...

Chapter 24:

"You do not know the privilege of being a mother. There is power in creation. To shape a life. Turn it toward happiness, or despair." she spoke clearly, and with authority, turning her head to us, standing there... Disconcertingly. She turned to the containment box then. "Her children were to be ours. Raised to hunt and slay Saren's enemies." she said, turning her head to us again, moving along the upper walkway and to the top of the stairs before us. "I won't be moved by sympathy. No matter who you bring into this confrontation." Benezia decided coldly, obviously directed at Liara.

I narrowed my eyes at her then and Shepard spoke up. "Liara's here because she wants to be, not because I asked her to." he told the Matriarch as Liara clasped her hands behind her back as she was mentioned. Brave girl.

The Matriarch raised her eyebrow then. "Indeed? What have you told them about me, Liara?" she asked her daughter.

Liara unclasped her hands. John took her hand and she squeezed, her other hand clenching into a fist. "What could I say, mother? That you're insane? Evil? Should I explain how to kill you? What could I say?" she asked, frustrated and scared. I didn't blame her. This couldn't be easy.

Benezia walked to the top of the stairs directly and spoke. "Have you faced an Asari Commando unit before? Few humans have." she stated, and adrenaline coursed through me at hearing that.

I shivered, shook my head and jumped on both feet. "Oh mama, I love it when you talk dirty." I narrowed my eyes as my pupils dilated alike a predator, enjoyment in my voice.

Shepard just shook his head at her. "I can't believe you'd kill your own daughter." he stated to her defiantly...

The Matriarch gave a sliver of a shrug. "I now realise I should have been stricter with her." Benezia stated coldly... Damn that's fucking harsh.

She then charged her biotics and I found my arms crossing against my chest like an X... "Commander, you can lock your shields and armour in this stance, becoming almost indestructible. However, you are not able to attack or defend as necessary." SIA explained to me as the Biotic attack didn't faze me. I unlocked my arms and pulled my rifle as Asari Commandos entered the room and Benezia constructed a shield around herself...

Shepard recovered from the stasis attack and we all drew weapons. One of the Commandos, in a surprise attack, vaulted cover next to me and leapt at me with a Biotically charged punch. I rolled aside, and when her fist hit the metal floor and she was crouched, I put her in a chokehold and threw her aside, but never let go, snapping her neck swiftly.

I quickly let her body go and rolled forward, drawing my pistol with one hand and hitting a container through the metal safety rails. It exploded and the Commandos were devastated by said explosion. The team finished off the last few surprisingly easily. "Thank you, Ocelot." I whispered, looking up to the heavens. Although... He was likely in hell.

She hit the crew again with stasis, but even without locking my armour, I was fine... "Commander, you have a high physics threshold. She cannot use stasis on yourself and the others simultaneously. It would drain her too quickly." SIA explained to me.

Geth then quickly entered the room and I got my rifle ready. I quickly sprayed the door next to me, hydraulic fluid spurting into the air as the Geth units shut down. Shepard and company recovered and quickly scoped the Geth, easily taking them out. I laughed at that. "Come on! MSF recruits that didn't fight back were harder than this!" I exclaimed out loud.

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