Chapter 39: A Fight Well Fought

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The fight is over. Saren is dead, Sovereign is destroyed, and the galaxy is safe... For now. The Council give a final debriefing, and the Spectres have a choice to make. However, after everything that has happened, the crew of the Normandy have earned a break, and have planned to take some well deserved shore leave. Each have their own plans for where they want to go, with Shepard and Wyatt sticking close to their bondmates.


The Trilogy is getting a sequel! I almost exploded from excitement, I just hope BioWare don't cock it up >.>

Anyway! This is the final chapter for now, but I am working on more stuff. It might take awhile but it is being worked on. I won't post any sequel until it's fully complete so you all know you're getting a full story xD

Chapter 39:

Later on, the two Spectres were bandaged up, standing before the Council, their duffel bags beside them. Wyatt had a few large bruises and cuts healing on his face and body, while Shepard had a cracked rib and broken left arm. "Ambassador. Captain. Commanders Shepard and Warwick." Tevos nodded to them as they placed their hands behind their backs. Apart from John who could only manage one hand due his other arm being broken... "We have gathered here to recognise the enormous contributions of the Alliance forces in the war against Sovereign and the Geth." she stated to us, her voice respectful for those that fell.

Valern was the one to speak next. "Many humans gave their lives in the battle to save the Citadel, brave and courageous soldiers who willingly gave their lives so that we - the Council - might live." he added on to what Tevos said.

Sparatus was actually contrite and respectful about it, which makes sense considering Turians appreciate military might and the Alliance just proved they're more than capable. "There is no greater sacrifice, and we share your grief over the tragic loss of so many noble men and women." he told them.

Tevos nodded, and then turned to the Commanders. "The Council owes the two of you a great personal debt, Commanders. One we can never repay." she addressed us. "You saved not just our lives, but the lives of billions from Sovereign and the Reapers." she told us.

Valern agreed with her. "Commander Shepard, Commander Warwick, your heroic and selfless actions serve as a symbol of everything humanity and the Alliance stand for." he added.

Sparatus nodded, a twitch of an actual smile on his face. "And though we cannot bring back those valiant soldiers who gave their lives to save ours, we can honour their memories through our actions." he stated.

:Wyatt's POV:

Tevos nodded once more. "Humanity has shown it is ready to stand as a defender and protector of the galaxy. You have proved you are worthy to join our ranks and serve beside us on the Citadel Council." she informed us... Oh shit! It's happening!

Udina then spoke up. "Councillor, on behalf of humanity and the Alliance, we thank you for this prestigious honour and humbly accept." he bowed his head to her.

Valern then got down to the nitty gritty of it. "We will need a list of potential candidates to fill humanity's seat on the Council." he stated to all of us.

Tevos then suggested something. "Given all that has happened, I am sure your recommendations will carry a great deal of weight, Commanders. Do you support any particular candidate?" she asked us both.

We both glanced at at each other. "Anderson." Shepard answered.

I answered at the same time Shepard did. "Anderson, every day." I agreed. "He has the courage to stand for what he believes in, and will take action on that belief if he feels it is right." I nodded in determination, grimacing at the sting of some of my wounds.

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