Chapter 35: Tricks And Treachery, The Game Of Politics And Fools Alike

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Wyatt, Shepard and Kaiden go back to the Citadel to head up the fleet that the Council have gathered up to stop Saren and his Geth... However, it is not what they expected... Betrayed and angered, the two Spectres struggle to think of a way around the problem... A pick-me-up from their girlfriends helps to get them back. When Anderson comes up with a plan, the two race toward the Mu Relay. On the way there, Wyatt talks to the crew and Tali especially...

Chapter 35:

Eventually, we docked at the Citadel, with Kaiden joining us, and a cab was waiting. We got in it and it took us straight to the Council Chambers. We landed and quickly ran up the stairs... Udina was waiting for us. "Good job, Shepard. You too, Warwick. Thanks to you, the Council's finally taking real action against Saren!" Udina exclaimed in excitement of the matter.

Tevos nodded in response. "The Ambassador is correct. If Saren is foolish enough to attack the Citadel, as you believe, we will be ready for him." she said to us.

Sparatus placed his hands behind his back and spoke up. "Patrols are established at every Mass Relay linking Citadel space to the Terminus Systems." he let us know.

Wait a second... "And Ilos?" I asked the Council.

Shepard nodded at what I said. "He's looking for the Conduit! What are you doing about that?!" he asked the Council.

Valern was the one to burst our bubble. "Ilos is only accessible through the Mu Relay, deep inside the Terminus Systems, Commander. If we send a fleet in there, the only possible outcome is full-scale war!" he exclaimed to us.

Udina then turned to us. "Now is the time for discretion, Commanders. Saren's greatest weapon was secrecy. Exposed, he's no longer a threat. This is over." he stated surely...

Shepard turned to the Council. "One ship going into the Terminus Systems won't start a war. I can be discreet." Shepard told them.

Sparatus then pointed at us. "You detonated a nuclear device on Virmire! I wouldn't call that discreet!" he pointed out to us.

I scowled then. "Hey! You're talking to a master infiltrator, here." I told him.

Tevos then gave us the condescending talk down we needed. "Your style served you well in the Traverse, Commanders. We recognise that. But Ilos requires a deft touch. We have the situation under control." she told us assuredly.

I scoffed then. "Under control? The Conduit will destroy us!" I exclaimed to the Council.

Valern, once again, decided to fucking doubt us. "Saren is a master manipulator. The Conduit is just a distraction from his real plan to attack the Citadel." he stated to us as if he fucking knew.

I took a step back. "FUCKING WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled at them. "So, you don't believe the Reapers exist, now you doubt he's after the Conduit?! Who's fucking side are you on?!" I asked them.

Shepard nodded in response. "And what about Sovereign?! Saren's just his servant, and he's a Reaper!" he told the Council.

Tevos shook her head at us. "Only you have seen the Reapers. And then only in visions. We won't invade the Terminus Systems because of a dream." she waved her hand dismissively at us.

I laughed then. "If you don't help us, you'll see plenty of Reapers soon e-fucking-nough!" I pointed out to them.

Shapard shook his head at their words. "If Saren finds the Conduit, we're all screwed! We have to go to Ilos!" he said, turning to Udina for support.

Sparatus sighed then and turned to Udina. "Ambassador, I get the sense Commanders Shepard and Warwick aren't willing to let this go." he stated to Udina.

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