Chapter 21: Noveria: Dammit Shepard, I'm A Soldier Not An Electrician!

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As it turns out, Geth are not the only thing that infest Peak 15... Having to deal with unknown hostiles, Shepard, Wyatt and the team need to figure out what is going on in Peak 15. To do that, they need to fix some problems with the Peak before they can advance any further. With Tali's crippling arachnophobia, will the team be able to continue onward?

Chapter 21:

Must be a glitch. Large creaking sounds echoed out then. "Animals? Wind? This place is in bad shape?" Garrus suggested as they all converged in the centre of the room.

I shook my head then. "Guys! Make sure to check that sou-" I cut off as the vent next to me popped open and I was pounced by... A... What?! A large spider tentacle thingy? My knife was knocked away before I could use it and it made a horrible screeching noise that pierced through me... I pushed it off and stood up, grabbing my knife, but it leapt at me again and I went flying through the glass and down a floor along with the thing. I hit the ground with it atop me and my knife clattered beside me. The others must be busy with their own problems... It had two thin tentacles with pods on the end and multiple legs... I held the two tentacles in my hands so it couldn't... Stab me? I was using my foot to keep it's weird... Mouth thing away from me...

I looked around and saw Tali stood there... "Tali! A little help, love?" I asked, but she was frozen in place... "TALI!" I exclaimed, trying to snap her out of it. Nothing... Fuck me on Sunday. I wrapped the tentacle around my arm. I felt it squeeze hard in retaliation, my armour cracking a little from the pressure it applied, but I pulled with all my might. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I yelled in anger. I heard the tentacle rip off and the creature screeched in pain. With my hand now free, I reached over, grabbed my knife, used my leg power and momentum and flipped the thing on it's back. "FUCKING XENOMORPH SPIDER BASTARD!" I cried out as I swung my knife down and hit it's underbelly, green blood spurting out. It writhed for a few seconds and then spit acid in my face... My helmet protected me, and it didn't burn through my armour, but I could feel the heat. When it finally died, I rolled to my side, breathing heavily.

Garrus, Liara and Shepard ran over then, splattered with acid, and covered in green blood. Shepard came over and helped me to my feet, turning his head to Tali. "She backed up and left us three over there. Thought she was going to help you." he explained what happened.

I took my helmet off and coughed like hell for a minute... "Commander, you have some facial lacerations." Liara informed me. I touched my face and it was indeed bleeding. Probably from going through that bulletproof glass and hitting the floor...

I remained calm and walked over to Tali. She was still stood there, staring at the creature's dead body. I shook her quickly. "Tali! Snap out of it!" I exclaimed. She blinked and then turned to me, her breath shaky.

She then gulped... Looking around her. "T-t they were like... S-s-spiders..." she stuttered in a small voice. Ah, I see. Severe Arachnophobia.

I can't really hold that against her. I held her close as she damn near sobbed into my chest... "It's alright, I understand." I whispered to her in comfort.

Shepard seemed to realise and sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "If you want, you can go back, see if you can activate those turrets just in case those things try to escape?" he suggested but she shook her head.

She sniffled once but pumped her shotgun. "No. I'll be okay. Let's do this." she spoke with shaky determination.

I put an arm around her and she leaned into me. We went over to examine the creatures' bodies... "What were those things?" Garrus asked, taking a deep breath.

Liara crouched by one and shook her head. "Xenobiology is not my field, maybe someone in the labs knows." she suggested to us and I nodded.

SIA then spoke in our comm units. "I cannot identify these creatures." she told us, was that... Regret in her voice?

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