Chapter 19: Noveria: Icy Investigator

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When presented with an opportunity to secure passage to Peak 15, Wyatt informs Shepard and the team talk to Lorik Qui'in. He makes them an offer, which they accept. When in his office, they meet resistance, Wyatt, now facing human enemies, makes use of his masterful control of CQC. When they have secured access with the help of their insider, they find unexpected company in the cargo bay...

Chapter 19:

Before we reached the door I heard Parasini speak... "Mr. Anoleis isn't the only one with a pass to leave Hanshan..." she spoke deviously.

I approached her, my eyebrow raised... "Oh?" I asked her, waiting for her to elaborate.

She shook her head at me. "You've never worked in the corporate world, have you, Commander Warwick? You can't bludgeon your way through bureaucracy." Parasini informed me.

I scoffed and shrugged. "Oh aye, I noticed. There has to be another way..." I mumbled to myself, looking down and to the left of me in thought.

Parasini then cast her gaze around urgency and leaned in. "Talk to Lorik Qui'in. You should be able to find him in the hotel bar." she whispered quickly... "Can't say more. Not within earshot of Mr. Anoleis." she added quickly before returning to her corporate approved smile and posture.

I nodded at that and winked. "Well fuck you then! I'll find my own way to Peak 15!" I yelled at her. She flinched, but flashed me a thankful smile as we all walked out.

I gave a sigh then... Oy, this was a lot of trouble... "Well... Looks like we have a friend on the inside." Garrus mentioned as we began walking.

I chuckled and nodded behind me at him, walking into that store from earlier. "Oh aye. It's- HOLY JUMPING JESUS WHAT THE HELL!?" I exclaimed in surprise as I saw a floating jellyfish in front of me... "Ahem, apologies, and I don't mean to be rude, but... What are you?" I asked... Err... It?

I saw Tali and Garrus attempting to not laugh and failing miserably.

It made no movements, no gestures. However, it did flash a light when it spoke and it had an echo to it's voice... "This one is what is known as a Hanar. It is the Hanar with the facename known as Opold, or Merchant Opold to some." it spoke to me in an... Incredibly polite voice... "It hails from the ocean world Kahje." it continued to explain... Right then...

I just nodded at that. Weird speech, but nice enough to converse with. "Okay then... Apologies for my outburst Opold." I bowed my head to the Hanar.

It seemed to... Shrug? I noticed a slight movement. "This one was not offended. The Spectre Warwick has reacted better than some of it's human compatriots in the past." it said to me.

I understood how that could be an issue... "Of course. I'll be going now." I said to to and turned to leave.

I heard the echo once more. "Farewell Spectre."

I held my head in my head as we walked towards the Hotel. I pressed the button and shook my head... "It's alright, that wasn't bad for your first Hanar encounter." Garrus comforted me, a grin on his face as he placed a talon on my shoulder.

I grumbled as the elevator arrived. We got in and waited for it to reach the top. When it did, we headed through and down a short corridor, finding ourselves in a bar. I saw Shepard sitting with Liara, talking. He noticed me and gestured for her to follow, which she did.

He nodded to me as he approached. "Well? Any luck?" he asked me hopefully.

I grunted and shook my head in response. "Nah, Anoleis isn't budging with that clearance. However, Parasini told me to look for Lorik Qui'in here. What about you?" I asked him.

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