Chapter 34: Pyrrhic Victory

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The team debrief after Virmire, and deal with the losses they incurred from the previous mission. Liara joins with the two Spectres to try and piece together their visions after Wyatt's unintended exposure to the Beacon. Shepard and Wyatt take a minute to think about their losses and the fight ahead. However, when they get confirmation on Council reinforcements, will everything finally go their way?

Chapter 34:

The cargo bay doors shut and we quickly flew off. Wyatt and I moved to the cockpit quickly... "Alright everybody, hang on!" Joker exclaimed as we flew... We watched as the facility was blown to hell...

When we went back down toward the armoury, Chakwas approached us. "I'm sorry, Commanders... Ashley lost too much blood, the bullet caused internal bleeding... She... Didn't make it." she revealed to us. We all stopped for a minute... And shut our eyes.

I slammed my fist into my locker, angry at losing another soldier. We all slowly took our equipment off, getting on our usual clothing before heading for the briefing room... When we sat down, Kaiden was the first to speak... "I... Can't believe Ash didn't make it..." He said clearly upset.

I sighed then and ran my hands down my face, with Wyatt speaking up. "I wasn't quick enough." he shook his head, looking down.

I shook my head at him at saying that. "It wasn't your fault. Ash knew the risks going in. She gave her life to save the rest of us." I pointed out.

Kaiden sighed then and turned to Wyatt. "I understand. It wasn't your fault, Wyatt. You did what you could." he nodded to him and Wyatt nodded thankfully as Tali put her hand on his arm, comforting him.

:Wyatt's POV:

I smiled in thanks to Tali as Liara spoke up. "Commanders, I'm sorry for interrupting. But I have an idea. I think the beacon you found in Saren's base was similar to the one Shepard found on Eden Prime." she informed us. "It may have filled in the missing pieces of your vision, Shepard. And now Wyatt has an incomplete vision. I may be able to put the pieces together for the both of you. However Wyatt will require the Cipher, which I can pass from you to him." she explained to us.

Shepard looked concerned. "Wyatt has an incredibly strong will, and is trained to resist anything attempting to access his mind." he pointed out to her.

I shook my head. "No, I can lower my barriers for those I trust. I trust Liara." I nodded to him then.

He turned back to her. "But can you join more than one person?" he asked her, and I was eager to know as well.

She nodded, a bit unsure. "We can. It is used for group meditation on Thessia... Although Asari are open to it, so it is rather simple with those of our own species..." she admitted to us. "Wyatt recovered from his first visions faster than you did. I'm slightly concerned his willpower is stronger. However, we will not know unless we try." she stated to us.

I nodded to Shepard. "I'll do it." I agreed, standing up and walking to Liara with Shepard.

She sighed then. "Stand next to one another, side by side..." she requested and we did. She looked into our eyes and slowly walked closer... "Relax, Commanders... Embrace eternity!" she exclaimed, her eyes flashing black... My barriers fell and I felt her in my mind. I saw the visions again, and felt mine and Shepard's minds joining...

I saw red again, and an organic being... No, a husk... And bodies... Machines... That same scene... Machines again... Betrayal. Dead Protheans... An organic... Monster? Machinery, Reaper-esque. Organic material, more machines, a flash of all the scenes... A... Conjunction, of organics and synthetics. That was it. Harvesting of life... It was... The merging. Then, the sun another sun, and a blacker sun... Reapers! Coming!

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