Chapter 6: A Stand-Off - The Best Way To Meet New Friends

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Wyatt, and the Quarian girl he rescued from assassins are in a tense stand-off with some unknowns. Will Wyatt be able to calm the situation, or be forced to take action against the anonymous group that just showed up?

Chapter 6:

There was a silence reigning over us for all of a minute... "Are we interrupting something?" the Turian's voice then rang out and I held in my laugh in lieu of professionalism and protecting this girl.

Okay, I admit I laughed a little... "Well... Cosy little triangle of death goin' on 'ere." I mentioned as I cast my gaze over the three people pointing weapons at me and the Turian chuckled slightly. The door behind then opened and two more humans entered.

They had their weapons drawn as well. "Got your back, Commander." the male said behind us, pointing his weapon at me... Huh. Shit. The Quarian spun around and held her gun to those two.

I nodded, taking a steady breath as I tilted my head. "Well... Now it's a fair fight." I started to smirk and the Krogan chuckled at my words.

He then nodded enthusiastically. "I really like this human... He has a quad." he spoke. Oh shit... It's the same Krogan from before! Or his twin... Do Krogan have twins? Ah, questions for later, if I survive this.

The 'Commander' made a down motion with his hand. "Guns down everyone." the man who must be the leader between the Turian and Krogan said. They complied, as did the humans, all sheathing their guns. I took this as a sign of peace and lowered mine into guard position but didn't sheathe it, since I had nowhere to sheathe it. "I'm Commander John Shepard, Alliance Navy." he greeted us. Oh, Alliance. That makes me feel more at ease. Wait, Shepard? The fella on the Normandy? Ah right.

The Quarian girl followed my lead, putting her weapon away. I decided to introduce myself at this moment. "Lieutenant Colonel Wyatt Warwick. Acting Commander of FOXHOUND SFG, British Military, MSF Commander, Royal Marine Commando, SAS Operative, Unofficial Diamond Dog. Patriot, FOXHOUND and MSF Founder. AKA, one deadly cunt." I said to him with a slight smirk and we shook hands he looked confused for a second before nodding in realisation.

He had a firm grip to him... "Right. Ambassador Udina told us you'd be around, Commander. Didn't expect you to be here of all places though." he told me, gesturing with his hand and I chuckled at that.

Shrugging to him, I spoke. "I always have a knack for turnin' up where ya least expect me." I told him as we let go of each others hands and stood back a little. "Like 160 odd years in the fucking future."

I heard a gasp emanate from behind me, my eyes flicking left at the sound. "Wait... You're the Wyatt Warwick?" the female human asked and I turned my head to her.

"Aye." I answered simply.

Another voice then chimed in. "What're you doing in a backally in the Wards anyway, Commander? Trying to catch some Citadel nightlife? A local murder or two?" the Turian asked me, his voice and tone smart and I chuckled at that. I like him already.

I shook my head to him. "Nah, I just love almost getting blown to kingdom come and shot to shit savin' people. Speakin' o' which, you alright?" I asked, turning to the Quarian who had remained silent all this time, a little nervous I think. Or just observing.

Her gaze snapped to me then. Hmm... What was it on before I wonder? "I- I'm okay, thank you... I owe you my life." she said to me gratefully and I laughed at that.

"Yeah, you and most of Earth at one point." I said to her and shook my head. "You don't owe me anything, love. Just glad you're sound." I told her. Many confused faces looked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Sound means good or okay, in context." I explained and they all nodded at that.

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