Chapter 10: Therum Debriefing and Psyche Eval

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The squad debrief after their close encounter on Therum, welcoming Dr. Liara T'Soni to the crew. Afterwards, Shepard and Wyatt report to the Council. Checking over his equipment, Wyatt and Shepard have a chat, leading to confessions being made. Ash has some problems with Wyatt and he makes a request to Engineering, said request turning out better then he thought, Wyatt takes the opportunity to speak to Tali and Garrus while they have some time.

Chapter 10:

First, we all took our kit off, getting into our usual gear. Once we had, we all sat down, with Shepard remaining standing in the middle. Joker's voice then rang out over the intercom. "Hey, Commanders? Maybe let's not land in an exploding volcano next time? It tends to fry our sensors and melt our hull. Just, y'know, for future reference..." he said to us and I laughed.

"What? The best pilot in the Alliance can't dodge a few explosions?" I asked with a grin.

I practically felt the eye roll. "Oh ho ho. Next time I'll just leave you down there then, shall I?" he asked me jokingly.

I shook my head with a smirk as Liara spoke up. "We almost died down there, and your pilot is making jokes?" she asked me. Ah, must not be familiar with that human custom.

I decided to fill in the gaps for her. "Bit of humour to lighten the mood." I explained to her.

Shepard then chipped in. "Besides, he pulled our asses out of the fire. He's earned some bad jokes." he shrugged to us and I nodded to him.

Liara gave a nod in understanding then. "Ah, it must be a human thing then. My apologies, I have not spent much time among your kind." she explained to us why she said what she did.

I gave her a shrug. "Well, I imagine there are plenty of humans who know little about you and your race." I pointed out to her. "Although, with your long lifespans, I suppose you don't really need to learn about others until later if you don't want to." I added thoughtfully.

She nodded to me then. "While true, it is heavily encouraged for Asari to learn as much as possible about other cultures. Back when I attended school, humanity had not yet emerged into the Galactic Community." Liara explained to us.

Shepard also seemed interested in this, but had to move on. "Well... We have to tell you sooner or later... Your mother has joined a rogue Spectre named Saren Arterius and is working with the Geth." he broke it to her swiftly. She seemed stunned. Don't blame her. "Wyatt and I have been named Spectres and have orders to hunt him down, and by extension, her." he concluded.

She looked up at us. "I... I see. This doesn't make any sense... While we haven't spoken, I know my mother. She would never turn on the Council..." Liara stated to us.

I gave a sigh at that and looked at her, leaning back in my seat. "I know it's hard to see family as bad. Particularly on this scale." I gave a nod.

She looked down then, thinking. "I have to say thank you Commanders. You saved my life, from both the volcano and the Geth." she said, smiling.

"What does Saren want with you? You know something about The Conduit?" Kaiden asked her, leaning forward in his chair.

She shook her head. "All I know is it had something to do with the Prothean extinction. That is my real area of expertise. I have spent the past 50 years trying to figure out what happened to them." Liara explained to us.

"50 years? Blimey." I shook my head at that, chuckling a little.

Liara turned to me then. "Asari have long lifespans. 1000 years or more." she explained and I remembered that Sha'ira had told me that so I nodded.

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