Chapter 22: Noveria: Express Elevator To Hell, Going Down!

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Shepard, Wyatt, Tali, Garrus and Liara finally get on the tram to Rift Station, hoping to find the source of the creature infestation. Once there, they find a hold out of guards and civilians, trying to stay alive with the creatures constantly besieging them. Wyatt offers to help a Doctor cure some poisoned scientists, and finds himself in a bind...

Chapter 22:

We got back in the lift. It got to the top and we turned. We got back in the mainframe room and saw Shepard and the others emerge too. Garrus was holding his side, Liara's armor had some burns and Shepard's helmet was dinged...

I whistled as they stumbled out and toward us. "What happened to you guys?" I asked amusedly. I heard a clattering, so I pulled my pistol, and without looking, shot the two creatures that burst from the vents in the other room. I holstered my pistol as they all groaned.

Garrus grumbled and shook his head, Liara avoided eye contact and Shepard looked a bit pissed off. "We got out of the lift and onto the roof. Then, Garrus saw the panel and ran over to activate it. Got pounced by about 6 creatures and double that of the little green bastards." he spoke. "Liara, instead of using biotics, also ran over to help. Had to fight close quarters. More creatures came out and... Well, it was fun." Shepard said the last part sarcastically as his two teammates just looked sheepish.

I laughed out loud at that. "Well, I can see tactical planning is strong with you three." I chuckled and Tali joined in as Shepard applied Medi-Gel to Liara and Garrus, who recovered quickly.

Garrus rolled his eyes at us. "Yeah yeah. Laugh it up, lovebirds..." he mumbled and walked past, going toward the mainframe.

Liara just sighed and shook her head. "I'm best with biotics! By the Goddess, why did I run at them?" she asked herself, shielding her face from our gaze out of embarrassment as she followed Garrus.

We joined Shepard, Liara and Garrus in the mainframe backup area and headed to the trams, taking the lift up to them. "Now entering decontamination and transit hub. User alert: loose contaminants in the decontamination chamber. Access to passenger tramways inadvisable." Mira informed us. We all took a minute to rest as the elevator reached the transit hub.

We exited out and entered the first door on the right. It led to an observation area of the decontamination chamber... There was a purge button, but it looked broken. "Tali, see if you can fix that and purge those things." I said and she nodded, heading over to it.

She repaired it quickly and hit the button, and the plasma purge began. The creatures screeched as he scorching hot plasma fried them in the chamber and I winced.

I went over to a computer with a Salarian body in front of it... I pressed the console and an audio log began playing. "..Control grou- loose in the... They're... Can't escape... Up the tunnels now. We're sorry. The leads couldn't get to... -struct. .. Out while you can..." and then it ended.

I crouched and saw a gun in his hand... "Wasn't killed by them. Suicide." I told the group my observations.

Garrus' mandibles twitched at that. "He killed himself because he was part of whatever happened here?" Garrus asked, confused. As was I...

Liara sighed, her voice sad. "He must have felt there was no hope of surviving. That killing himself would be easier." she guessed.

Tali then shook her head. "There's always hope." she stated defiantly. I agreed with that. Suddenly, the vent burst and another creature jumped out. This time, I was ready. I dodged it's tentacle, hopped on it's back, grabbed it's two tentacles and pulled. They ripped off and it cried out in pain. Tali then yelled out in anger, pushed her shotgun down it's mouth and pulled the trigger. It fell down, dead, as Tali was sprayed with blood...

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