Chapter 20: Noveria: Cold Reception

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The squad get in the Mako and make their way to Peak 15. Once there, they're once more separated. Now inside, the ones who made it in clear out the cargo bay of Geth and Krogan. Once they make their way inside the Peak proper, Wyatt feels a sense of unease wash over him...

Chapter 20:

I groaned as we all strapped ourselves in tight. "I fucking hate this thing." We surged forwards and our long drive began... Luckily the Mako was heated, even more so when the gun fired and let off it's heat, so it was warm enough in here. Although the first few minutes were uneventful, we then came under fire and Shepard retaliated in kind. We turned and bumped over things as if there were nothing, as usual...

We eventually came to a stop. We all looked up... Waiting... The green light came on and we all quickly piled out of the Mako. Shepard jumped out and turned to us... "More unpacked along the mountain!" he exclaimed. We all turned and saw some Colossi and Armatures making their way toward us and firing...

I made a quick decision... "Everyone into Peak 15! Move!" I exclaimed. Garrus, Tali, Liara and Shepard made it in before a Colossus' siege pulse cannon hit the ridge above the door... An avalanche then occurred and the door slammed shut just as I leapt inside and mounds of snow and ice collapsed in front of it...

Garrus helped me up and Shepard quickly contacted Kaiden via Omni-Tool. "Lieutenant! SITREP!" he exclaimed to him.

Kaiden ducked as the mass accelerator cannons began to open up on them... "The door's blocked! We can't unblock it until these Geth are dealt wi- Ash get down! Dealt with." he finished, firing on the Geth.

I nodded at that. "Copy. I'll contact Wrex to help yous." I told him and pressed on my Omni-Tool. Wrex popped up on screen and looked... To be driving?

He smirked at me then. "Hey, Commander. The area was clear, so I figured you could use a real quad to help! Hah hah!" he said joyfully. "I commandeered that Grizzly in the Hanshan garage not long after you left." he explained to us, turning the wheel it looked like.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes then as Shepard popped up over my shoulder. "Alright. We're in Peak 15, but an avalanche cut us off from Kaiden and Ash. They need support. Once you've cleared the Geth, get to work digging us out. We'll head further inside." he ordered Wrex, who nodded and cut the link. "Let's move." he nodded and we all got our weapons ready.

We were in some kind of porch area I'd say, possibly for greeting visitors. We headed through a door and saw we were in Peak 15's garage. It was blocked by a destroyed Grizzly before. The doors opened up into a larger garage, with crates everywhere... And more Geth.

We took cover quickly. I leapt atop said cover and zeroed in on the Geth, hitting them with headshots. Most went down when I spotted a Krogan as I jumped down from the crates...

He charged at me, but I was prepared this time. I quickly ducked under him and tackled his legs, throwing his body over mine. He hit the ground with his head and got up, a little bit dazed. Before he could react, I slammed my elbow right on his nose, hearing a sickening 'crack!'. He cried out and gripped at his face, backing up and turning away. Then I put his head under my arm, bending his back, picked him up and threw him hard into the wall. He hit it upside down and slid down the wall, his legs propped up against it.

Well... He wasn't moving so I can suppose he's dead. I turned and the Geth were dealt with already. "Damn... Taking on Krogan in a fistfight and winning... You're a dangerous man, Wyatt." Garrus mentioned as I shrugged and drew my rifle, holding it in guard position.

I gave him a nod then, making my visor clear and smirking. "I try." I answered him.

Suddenly, a voice came over the intercom... "User alert: All Peak 15 facilities have suffered a great deal of damage. Biohazard materials present through facility." the VI informed us.

I then noticed my Soliton Radar as we approached the door to the facility. "Soliton's picking up signatures... Everywhere. Not lots, but..." I said to the others, who looked at each other. Then, the signatures vanished.

Tali, however, just nodded. "He's right." she stated. I turned to her, a confused look on my face. "I... May have linked our helmets some time ago. I figured it would help us if any of us got separated." she admitted sheepishly and I chuckled.

"Good idea, Tali." I nodded to her and I swear she smiled brightly. "They're gone now... It could be playing up, but Soliton is quite reliable..." I informed Garrus and Shepard.

We headed into a room with turrets and I jumped slightly, about to aim my gun but stopped when said guns didn't react... And were facing away. "Why are the turrets facing the wrong way?" Liara asked us.

Garrus was the one to answer. "They want to keep their people in as much as they want to keep others out." he explained to her and she nodded nervously.

I swear I heard something... I spun around, my rifle in hand... "Their people...? Or what they're working on?" I asked slowly and in a low voice as I cast my rifle around as Shepard and Garrus checked the room that was observing the turret room...

Tali put her hand on my shoulder then. "What is it?" she asked.

I cast my gaze around and slowly lowered my rifle... "This place... It feels... Wrong." I explained as best as I could to her. "Swear I heard something." I mumbled.

Tali then looked up at me and then to the side. "Such a cliché, but... It could be the wind?" she suggested and I made my visor clear, a deadpan expression on my face. She laughed a little then. "Okay, maybe not. But what else could it be?" she asked me.

Liara then walked up to us. "The Commander is correct... This place gives me chills, and not just from the cold." she agreed with me as Shepard exited the room with Garrus. Shepard gave Tali some mods and she took them, upgrading her shotgun with them.

We opened the other door that led into a lift... I contacted the others on my Omni-Tool. There was some shooting... "This is Alenko!" he exclaimed as he ducked another shot.

Shepard then spoke. "Lieutenant, we're heading deeper inside. Communication may be cut off. Deal with the Geth, clear us out then head inside, secure the garage and get warm." he gave his orders and Kaiden nodded.

He gave a quick salute. "Aye sir! You heard him!" he exclaimed as the communication ended...

I took a breath then. "Well, let's head inside." I decided. We got into the elevator and pressed the button.

The ride was eerily silent. "That VI said the place had been damaged... Why would Saren damage his own facility?" I asked out loud.

Tali piped up then. "Maybe the Geth rebelled? Came to the conclusion Saren is just another organic rather than their prophet?" she suggested.

Shepard also looked thoughtful. "Maybe. Or the researchers here found something they weren't supposed to? Became expendable? When Saren tried to silence them, they got their own back by shutting the place down?" he put forward his own suggestion.

The elevator got to the top and I spied definite movement. The doors opened into a short icy corridor that we passed easily. Sort of. Tali slipped, but I caught her and steadied her. We opened the door into he next room... Of course. Geth. Wunderbar.

We quickly spread out and cleared them out. Liara used Lift and a few flew into the air. We opened fire and gunned them down. I saw one up some stairs, protective glass in front of it, so I quickly climbed said stairs, drew my knife and before the Geth could turn and react, jammed said knife into the unit.

It powered down and Shepard and the others cleared the area below. I saw some kind of... Webbing on the ground... I crouched down and used my pinkie, scooping a little on my glove. "SIA, analysis." I requested. Suddenly, the Soliton picked up a shitton of movement around us...

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