Chapter 31: Virmire: Return Of Black Fox

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The teams begin their assault on Saren's breeding facility on Virmire. 'Black Fox' shows off his incredible sniping skills and recon abilities, assisting the teams as they advance via radio. Shadow Team take some heat off of Kirrahe and his men, including Alenko.

Chapter 31:

:Shepard's POV:

After I asked some questions and Kirrahe gave a rousing speech to his men, we moved out... Tali, Garrus and Liara climbed up the wall with me while Wrex charged up front to give the Salarians some cover.

We landed after we'd climbed the wall and I looked up... Couldn't see Wyatt anywhere... "Comm check, do you read me, Commander?" Kirrahe asked me.

"Loud and clear." I replied to him.

"Good, we'll start our push. We'll try to make it to the AA guns, but it might be up to you to finish the job." he informed us. I looked back and my team nodded. "And Commander? If you see any way to undermine their defenses, we could definitely use the help." he added at the end.

"Roger that." I replied before trying something else. "Wyatt, you there?" I asked over the radio.

He answered me then, his voice excited. "Hell yeah. I heard everything. I'm in my element, Shepard. Blending in with the environment. Groznyj Grad was harder than this mission. That thing was a fortess built with limitless funds." he reminisced. "Alright, so you're going to want to go North." he directed us.

We got our weapons ready and began to move forward... "Shadow is on the ground, repeat, Shadow is on the ground." Kirrahe informed the teams.

The radio then beeped again. "This is Black Fox. Aegohr, I'm seeing Geth to your West." Wyatt informed the team. "Shepard, to your North is some sort of Command Post, We'll meet up there. There are quite a few Geth guarding it..." he warned us.

As we approached, a Geth stepped out of cover from behind a rock, but a hole was literally blown in it's chest by a sniper rifle... "Fire is coordinated on Mannovai Team. We can't reach the Geth turrets, they're out of range!" Kaiden told us over the radio...

Quite a few more Geth were killed by Wyatt sniping them. When we went up the ramp of the Command Post, Wyatt dropped on top of the last Geth from the cliff above and jammed his knife through its, for lack of a better word, spine. He then pulled out his knife, flipped it and holstered it. He looked up to us and nodded. "The main base is about half a click to the Southwest." he informed us.

Garrus smirked and nodded to Wyatt. "That was some good shooting, for a human." he jabbed at him. "They really didn't want us coming near here for some reason..." Garrus observed.

Wyatt chuckled at that. "Oh gee, thanks. And you're right." Wyatt agreed with the second point.

I hummed in thought, wondering what it could be... "Maybe it's just a checkpoint?" I suggested.

Liara shook her head at that. "The Geth wouldn't need it. It must have some strategic value..." she pointed out to me.

Tali went over to a console and typed in her Omni-Tool. "It was a triangulation tower for the Geth turrets. This should scramble them." she explained to us.

Wyatt nodded. "Copy that, I'll head back up and meet you at the base." he nodded and got his knife out, jamming it into the rock and using it to climb...

We continued on Southwest when Kirrahe sounded off. "Something scrambled their targeting... We've got a shot! Lieutenant Alenko, take the heat off of Mannovai!" he exclaimed.

Wyatt then came on the a radio. "Shadow, watch out. There are Geth waiting in the canyon, dotted about. There's also some kind of tower near you... Geth have a good vantage with it." he informed us as I quickly scoped two Drones and took them out quickly. "Mannovai, there's a group of Krogan moving on your position." he informed them.

Kirrahe then spoke again. "Roger, Commander Fox. They're calling sat-strikes! Jaeto, watch for comm stations! Alenko, can you see anything?" he asked...

We then spotted the tower and came under fire. "Suppressing..." Wyatt informed us as bullets started to rain on the Geth position. They all took cover and we sprinted forwards. We got to the ramp and ran up it, but there was a Krogan there... I saw him about to charge, but suddenly, there was a gaping hole in his chest. "You're welcome, Shadow." Wyatt said to us.

We looked up and saw some kind of satellite link, so I threw a grenade up and blew it up. "That should help the teams." I nodded and the squad agreed with me.

The radio then crackled to life. "Alright Shadow, head through the tower. The base is along that walkway that leads away from the tower." Wyatt guided us forwards.

As we moved along, the other teams reported in... "Aircraft heading to perimeter stations to recharge... Bunker up before they come back!" Alenko ordered the teams over the comm.

Wyatt quickly redirected us. "Shadow, move left, I think I see a refuelling station." Wyatt quickly told us. We did so, and quickly gunned down two Geth, one of which was a Destroyer. As we continued, we found two large tanks and some drones...

Liara quickly spoke. "Geth flyers. Looks like they're stuck refuelling." she pointed out. I threw two grenades onto the tanks and we took cover as I blew them up, taking out the flyers, and the station...

"Well done, Shadow. Move to the base, I'll meet you at the entrance." he informed us. We moved back across the walkways and founded a heavily shielded area with Geth...

Kirrahe then spoke again over the radio. "Air threat has not materialised! We may be getting some help from Shadow!" he suggested to the teams. We took cover as some Geth and a Krogan were waiting for us. One loud 'boom!' later and the Krogan's head exploded... We then popped up and cleaned up the last of the Geth with surgical precision, with Wyatt continuing to provide support... "Shadow Team must be getting close. Hold the line men! Hold the line!" Kirrahe bade his men over the comm. We went through a door and along an enclosed walkway. We turned and then turned again down a small set of stairs and found Wyatt leaning on a concrete pillar, his arms crossed and Geth bodies surrounding him.

He smirked as he saw us approach. "What kept you?" he asked us.

I rolled my eyes at him then. "Turns out Geth and Krogan don't surrender." I told him with a shrug.

He then went over the radio. "Teams, this is Black Fox, I've rejoined with Shadow and we're moving in. Over." he told the Teams.

Tali then typed into a console near a door... "We've got access to base security. We should be able to cut the alarms from here. We might even be able to trigger alarms on the far side of the base..." she explained to us our options. "It'll clear the guards out, but the Salarians may get overwhelmed..." she pointed out.

I shook my head at that. "Just disable the alarms. We can handle the guards." I nodded with determination.

Wyatt smirked and got his rifle, cocking it. "Fuck yeah." he agreed with me.

The doors then unlocked and we could enter. The team stacked up with Wyatt at the front and he nodded. I pressed the button and the door opened. The first Geth we saw was a Destroyer...

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