Chapter 29

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I slowly awoke from my peaceful sleep as the first rays of sun of the day attacked my eyes when I squinted them open. As I came into consciousness, I realized that I was both completely naked, and also laying in between two other very naked bodies. I had my arm lazilly thrown over Freds chest and my feet were tangled up with Georges on the other side of the bed.

I carefully lifted my head and peeked at the two boys, both of them looking to still be asleep. I glanced at the clock that sat on the nightstand next to the bed, seeing that it read 8:00 a.m. - only an hour before we were supposed to get on the train.

I cursed internally and began to slowly and carefully untangle my limbs from the twins. I slid out from underneath the comforter and crawled off the edge of the bed, praying to Merlin that neither of them were awake to watch my awkward, naked exit.

I quickly stepped into my dress that had been forgotten on the floor the night before and slipped the straps over my shoulder before zipping it up, watching the boys the whole time to make sure that neither of them had woken up.

Once I had my dress on and attempted to smooth out my hair and wipe off any excess makeout from underneath my eyes, desperately trying not to look completely horrendous, I took a deep breath and looked at the two sleeping red heads in front of me.

I almost wanted to wake them up before I left to make sure that they knew I wasn't running away from them, but I had absolutely no time to do so and I didn't even know what I would say. I didn't even know why last night happened, even though it was completely initiated by me. I knew that I liked them and I was pretty sure that I wanted to be with them, but I would need to wait until another time where I could truly have a talk with them, tell them my feelings and hear theirs in return. I hoped that they still felt as strongly as they had almost a week ago when they confessed to me, but I couldn't be sure.

I just needed to get out of there and go walk a humiliating walk of shame back to Ginny and Hermione, and get ready to leave for the Weasleys.

When I closed the door as quietly as I could behind me and walked a step as quietly as I could with my heels in my hand, I was met by Hermione sitting up in bed as if she had been waiting for me.

"Where the hell have you been?" She whispered so that Ginny would not wake up.

"Um, I uh," I stuttered as she got up from her bed and walked over to me with crossed arms.

"And why is your neck covered in hickeys?" She now whisper yelled, barely living up to the 'whisper' part. She would have woken any normal person up, but luckily Ginny slept like a rock so she only grumbled in her sleep.

I shushed her and dragged her into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me quietly. I did in fact see all of the very dark and very plentiful hickeys that Fred had left in the mirror, and I made a mental note to scold him for it later.

"Do you know any healing charms," I asked her quietly and shamefully, gesturing loosely to my spotted neck.

She let out a sigh. "Yes," she grumbled before taking out her wand and reluctantly getting to work on my neck. I could feel a slight tingling sensation everywhere that her wand hovered over, but I did in fact see the hickeys vanishing in the mirror as she worked.

Once she finished, I cleared my throat to ask her another question. I wanted more than anything to not have to ask her this, but I needed it and she was the only person I knew that probably knew how to.

"Do you um..." I started, pausing because I couldn't get the next words out.

"What?" she asked impatiently.

"Do you know a morning after spell?".

"Y/n!" she practically shouted, causing me to shush her and pray that Ginny hadn't woken up. "I do," she said, causing me to let out a large breath of relief. "But, I will only help you out if you told me who".

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now