Chapter 30

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"Okay, we played this a couple of years ago, but I think I need a refresher," Hermione said.

"Rules of exploding snap are simple," Ginny started. "Each player has their own cards which they place face up, and then the dealer will turn up a card, and if that card matches either one of yours or-"

"Can we join?" George asked from behind where I was sitting.

"Yeah, sure," Ginny said dismissively before turning back to Hermione and continuing to remind her of the rules.

They both slid out a chair and sat on either side of me at the table, which was expected.

"Fun game," George said to me.

"Mmhm," I said while nodding and looking down at the cards in my hand.

"Real fun," Fred added.

I nodded again but kept my head down in my cards. It scared me to interact with the two of them around their family. No one other than Hermione knew what had happened the night before, and I didn't want anyone else to know that anything was going on between us before I talked to them.

Once Hermione was confident that she knew the rules, we started the fast paced game and started to play a few rounds, Ginny and Ron sharing the lead on won games.

Other than the occasional brushing of a knee, the twins mostly stayed good during the game and just focused on playing. They obviously weren't as competitive as their siblings so they weren't trying as hard to quickly get to the matching cards, but it was obvious that they had natural skill when it came to the game.

When we finished what was probably our fourth round, Molly called from the kitchen. "Will you all come help set up for dinner?".

We all yelled back a 'yes' and began to clean up from the game to go help.

Molly had made a very extravagant meal for our first night which looked delicious, and I felt bad that I hadn't offered to help.

"Molly this all looks absolutely amazing but you should have asked me to help. I can always be a helping hand in the kitchen," I said to her with a smile as we all helped move the dishes to the long table.

"Oh, don't be silly dear, you were having fun with your friends," She said, waving off my words.

"Next time then," I said.

"Of course," She said with a warm smile. "Now would you please grab the plates from up in that cabinet up there?" She asked while gesturing to one of the wooden cabinets.

I nodded and walked over to open it, noticing that the plates were up higher than I could reach. I didn't feel like asking one of the two people in the house who were taller than me to get them, so I climbed up on the counter onto my knees so that I was tall enough to grab them and set them down on the counter next to me.

As I was lifting myself up so that I could stand on my knees, I felt two hands grab my waist and help me up. When I raised myself higher on my knees, the pair of hands stayed in the same spot and fell down to my ass.

"Oops, my hands slipped," Fred said with a cheeky smile.

I looked down and glared at him, and his hands quickly disappeared so that he could hold them up in an innocent gesture.

"Take these to the table," I said and handed him a stack of porcelain plates.

Right as I was hopping down off of the counter, loud conversation and sounds of reunion erupted throughout the house and I looked over to the front door to see that Arthur had arrived home from wherever he was for work.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now