Chapter 20

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George and I sat on his bed and told stories to each other, trying to be silent and not laugh so as to not wake Fred up from his potion induced nap. George had told me that nothing on earth could stir him awake once he was knocked out, but I still shushed him every time that he got too loud.

"Is he alright?" I asked after Fred had thrashed around a few times.

"Yeah," George said carelessly. "He was doing this all day yesterday. He gets really hot and throws his blanket off, then gets cold. It's a cycle, really".

I shook my head and arose from the bed to go try and help Fred get more comfortable. "He really should be wearing a shirt," I said disappointedly.

"Why? Too distracting?" George asked teasingly.

"No and shhh," I scolded before checking to make sure that Fred was still asleep. I brought the comforter up to his shoulders in hopes that it would stop his shivering, even though his temperature would probably spike soon and the comforter would be thrown off again.

"Just leave him, sitting over there and pulling his blanket up every time he throws it off isn't going to help anything. Why are you so worried?" George asked.

"I don't like that he's uncomfortable," I said while situating his blanket again after he had moved and brushed a piece of his hair out of the way. "If I can do anything to help it, I will". I turned around to see George smiling at me, but in a fond, endearing way instead of his normally teasing smile. "What?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing. You're just cute".

I could feel myself blush and shook my head at his comment before cleaning up the cold mug of tea and any extra garbage around Fred's bed.

"You don't have to stick around you know. Not that I don't want you to, I just don't want you missing out on your Sunday to watch Fred sleep," George said.

After finishing rearranging the pile of books and magazines on Freds nightstand, I turned around to George. "No, it's fine, I want to. I don't- oh wait. Shit".


"I did tell Hermione that I would be back right after we went to the field so that we could start studying. Fuck". I quickly walked over to put on my shoes that I had left by the door.

"Okay, have fun. I'll see you at dinner and maybe Fred will come along too," George said and got up from his bed to walk over to me.

"Sorry I can't stay," I said apologetically. "When he wakes up go get him some more ginger tea with honey. And make sure he puts on a sweater. And-"

"Y/n," he interrupted. "We're fine. I've dealt with sick Fred plenty of times".

"Oh, right," I said, feeling stupid. "Anyways, if Fred wants to, do you guys want to study together before exams this week? I told Hermione that I would study with her and Ginny but I have a feeling that won't be very fun".

"Yeah, I'm sure he'd want to. Just let us know when," He said before walking me out the door. "Now go before Hermione gets even more mad".

"Okay, okay, see you at dinner," I said before smiling back and him and then quickly walked away to my own room.

"Where have you been?" Hermione asked once I walked into the room. She didn't sound mad, just a little bit annoyed and not surprised.

"I went over to check on Fred after George and I finished," I responded before walking over to my bag to grab my schoolwork so that I could join Hermione and Ginny who were already studying.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now