Chapter 34

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"I think they're done," I said to Ginny while peeking in the oven to see the golden brown sugar cookies.

"Okay, take them out and then we can put the rest in," Ginny said, holding another tray of unbaked cookies.

That morning, we had all decided to stay in our pajamas and do 'Christmasy' things all day. We were making Christmas cookies using cookie cutters to make them into fun shapes, a few phallic shaped cookies slipping into the mix as well, and were about to start decorating them once they cooled down.

Molly had done a little bit more decorating for the holiday, so the entirety of the first floor of the house was filled with different colored string lights and a whole bunch of christmas themed knick knacks that seemed to have been collected over the years. There was some soft Christmas music from the record player filling the air, the sound of the record crackling mixing with the crackling of the fireplace, and the entire house smelled like freshly baked cookies.

Other than Ginny and me, the rest of the group was sitting on stools at the kitchen counter and sipping on hot chocolate while we did all the work, claiming that there wasn't enough room in the kitchen. Hermione would have normally helped as well, but she was in another room to do some gift wrapping.

"Okay, we have two trays out, get off of your asses and help us decorate," I said sternly.

"But you're so good at decorating, Y/n," Fred said as I placed my hands on my hips with a stern expression.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to mess them up," George added with an innocent look.

"Yeah," Ron added, taking bites out of a bare cookie that I hadn't noticed he had stolen, Harry following and grabbing one for himself as well.

I groaned but reluctantly grabbed one of the bowls of icing that I had made and began to scoop it into a piping bag.

"I'll help," Charlie said, getting up from his seat and moving to stand beside me.

"Thank you, Charlie," I said while looking at the twins with a look as if to say 'see? He helps me'. They both just shot annoyed glares to their older brother and rolled their eyes.

"Can't promise I'll be any good though," Charlie spoke with a charming smile.

"That's alright," I said with a laugh and handed him the now reading piping bag that was filled with green icing. "Even if they look like shit they'll still taste good. Just take this and start doing all of the green things like the little christmas trees".

He nodded and took the bag from me, and I moved to fill up another bag with icing.

"Y/n, can you help me with this?" Charlie asked after a moment, a seemingly innocent smile on his face.

"Yeah, what do you need help with?" I asked.

"Can you just show me how to do it?".

Ron, Harry and Ginny had gotten into a conversation about something at the other side of the counter, Ron and Harry both sitting on their stools while Ginny leaned over the counter, but Fred and George were both watching me intently. Based on how Charlie had acted with me as soon as he arrived at the house, I was pretty sure that he didn't actually need help with icing the cookies and instead had other intentions, but I nodded and moved to help him anyway. If Fred and George weren't going to help me, they couldn't get mad that I was making sure their brother was able to.

"Here, just take it like this," I said and moved my hands over his to adjust one at the tip of the bad and the other at the base, standing rather close to him with my hands wrapped around his. "And squeeze it at the very back". He did as I told him to, and a little bit of icing came out of the tip. "And then just start at the tip of the tree like this," I said and led him to start making little lines that started from the very tip and traveled diagonally downwards to look like the needles of the tree. "Do that across the top and then move down and do it again until the entire cookie is covered. And then we can get other colors later and make little ornaments and stuff".

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now