Chapter 5

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"I'm serious Y/n," Ginny scolded me. When Ginny  scolded you, you know you're doing something you shouldn't

"What? I don't even know what we're doing. How do you know it's something bad?" I asked while pulling on a new pair of socks for dinner, replacing the ones that had gotten damp from walking around the wet grass.

"I think you're forgetting the fact that I've lived with them my entire life. I know them and their version of 'fun' ", she said with air quotes, "is blowing something up and then getting a bazillion points taken off of Gryffindor". I rolled my eyes and began to lace up my shoes.

Hermione turned around in her chair, seeming to have finished her 'school work'. "She's right you know. You don't want to get roped into this on the first day of classes," she said with a disapproving look.

I groaned and stood up from my bed. "You guys need to chill out. Last year was all about the stupid tournament and I just want to have fun this year". I resembled a toddler whining and stomping their foot to get their way, but I didn't care.

"Okay, just don't come to me when you have to spend all of your evenings in Snape's room from here on out," Hermione said while standing up from her desk and putting on her robes. "Come on, let's head down to dinner,".

The three of us walked down to the dining hall together, arms linked together and chatting about random things. What bizarre new thing was going to happen this year, what new item Neville would show up with and lose, what Snape looked like in grandma underwear - the usual. While we were discussing just how Neville knew what his grandmother's undergarments looked like in between giggles, we approached the dinner table. We sat down just in time for Dumbldore to cast his voice around the room, telling us that it was time for the meal to begin.

"Oh my god, this all looks delicious!" I spoke as the food appeared on the table. "I forgot that I haven't eaten today". I placed a chicken leg and some mashed potatoes onto my plate and then began to dig in.

"You know, you really should eat more," I heard from my right. I looked up with a full mouth, surprised to see Fred sitting there. I was so focused on the food when we were sitting down that I hadn't even paid attention to where I sat. "It's not safe to eat so little".

"I eat plenty," I said once I had swallowed my small bite of chicken.

The truth was, I really didn't eat plenty. I had always struggled with body issues and my eating habits were never the best. My mom always criticized my body and told me to watch my weight, but I didn't blame her for anything because that's what her mom did to her too. I know that she didn't ever mean to make me feel bad, but all of the words she had spoken throughout my childhood stuck with me, leaving me with a bit of a problem. But Fred didn't need to know that.

I didn't even really have a problem. All it really was was skipping a couple meals every now and then and telling people that I had already eaten.

"Come on Y/n/n, it's not safe," he spoke softly so that no one else could hear. Luckily, no one did because they were all immersed in their own conversations amongst each other.

You know, it really wasn't his place to say anything. What I chose to put in my body was my choice and he should not have felt entitled to have a say on the matter. "How is that any of your business?" I asked angrily, trying to keep myself calm. My eating habits were not of his concern. "I am perfectly safe and eat plenty of food, but it's not even your place to be worried, so just shove off".

He looked at me with a sad, and rather condescending if I might add, expression and then opened his mouth to speak, but closed it when he probably realized that it wouldn't help anything.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now