Chapter 13

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I woke up in my own bed on Sunday morning, feeling refreshed after finally getting a full night of sleep. I sat up in bed, the covers pooling at my waist, and stretched my arms up, groaning as my muscles released their tension.

"Morning," Hermione said. She was sitting in her bed with a cup of tea reading a book, looking as if she had been up for a while.

"Morning," I groaned while rubbing my eyes, still half asleep. I then realized that if Hermione had tea, breakfast had already started. "Did I miss breakfast?".

She looked up from her book. "I think it's about to finish. If you head down now, you could probably still grab something. Ginny should still be down there. Either that or she went to go practice quidditch with Harry," she said with suggestive eyebrows.

I looked at her confused, not really sure what she was referring to. "No, that's okay. I'm not that hungry anyways".

She looked at me as if I was crazy for not being hungry. She then looked as if she remembered something important. "Oh, also, you got a letter from Fred," She said as she gestured to a sealed letter that was sitting on the corner of the desk.

"Oh, thanks," I said before standing up from the warmth of the covers and exposing myself to the chill of the air. I shivered, grabbed the letter, and hurried back underneath the covers.

"Is it a love letter?" She teased with a cheeky grin.

" 'Mione," I groaned. I had told her way too many times that I was just friends with both Fred and George. She was convinced otherwise.

"What? It's not like that would be the most wild thing in the world. I have been meaning to talk to you about that anyways". She placed a bookmark in her book and shut it, making me roll my eyes because this meant that she was serious.

"What, 'Mione. I've told you so many times we're-".

"Just friends," She interrupted. "So you've said. It just-" she paused, thinking for a moment about how to word what she wanted to say. "You guys just seem like more than that. I just, you have never been all that great at knowing your own feelings. And it just seems like you guys are great together. Whether it's you and Fred, or you and George, or both..." looking at me and asking a silent question. I shook my head at that and rolled my eyes. "I just wouldn't want you to waste that because you don't realize how you feel".

"You think I don't know how I feel?" I asked her, amused but also a little annoyed that she felt she knew how I felt better than I did.

"No, no, I just mean that you can be a little but oblivious sometimes. To other people's feelings and your own. Remember what happened with Blaise last year? I remember you ignoring your own feelings for months before you finally admitted it," She said.

"Yeah, well I remember that lasting about a night, so maybe I shouldn't always trust my own feelings".

"Are you admitting that you have feelings for them?" She asked with a smile.

"What? No. You know what I mean," I said with a frown.

She sighed. "Well can you at least admit that you realize that they have feelings for you?" She asked with her head cocked to one side.

"Hermione, they don't. That's just how we are. I am friends with the both of them, and we are just comfortable with one another".

She groaned and fell back onto her pillow. "This is useless".

I smiled at her defeat and then remembered the letter that was still unopened in my hands. I tore it open and took out the piece of parchment inside.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now