Chapter 6

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"Fuck," I said as I walked into my room. Hermione and Ginny were both sitting up in their individual beds, Ginny writing a letter to someone and Hermione reading a book.

Hermione looked up at me and asked, "You get caught?" as if she knew that it would happen all along.

I nodded, ashamed.

"Told you so," Ginny sing-songed.

"Shut up," I muttered and made my way to my bed to strip my clothes and get into my pajamas.

I had never gotten detention before, and I had never gotten points taken away from the house. I would rather have 100 detentions than have points taken away from Gryffindor; I felt horrible. I needed to see Malfoy lose the damn house competition this year.

Ginny crossed her arms over her chest. "Who caught you? And what's the punishment?".

I sighed, now only wearing a sports bra and my underwear, which had a little kitten on the bum. "Mcgonnal and we got detention. And 100 points from Gryffindor".

"Y/n!" They both said simultaneously. We were trying hard to beat Slytherin this year, and this would not help our progress.

"I know, I know," I said while slipping a big t-shirt on and choosing not to put on sweatpants, because tonight was not a night for pants. "I feel horrible".

"It's alright," Ginny sighed. "Fred and George do it all the time and no one gets mad". That assured me a little bit, I did remember people always sighing and rolling their eyes whenever the twins got points taken away from the house but never really caring. "But, everyone loves them. I don't know how they'll react with you".

I made myself look over-offended. "Are you saying that I am not well-liked?".

"No, you know that's not what I mean," Ginny said while shaking your head. "You know how liked Fred and George are. Even their prankees enjoy the entertainment".

I nodded, agreeing. No matter what house you were in, you loved the twins. They just had this quality about them that drew you in, and you couldn't help but like them. They were the funniest people in school but also had huge hearts. No wonder everyone was practically in love with them.

I sighed. "Well, I hope that everyone will go easy on me".

"Hopefully," Ginny said while nodding, but I could tell that she was worried for me.

When I walked into the dining hall, I expected to receive dirty looks and glares. I expected to have to put up with shit for a couple of days because losing points was such a big deal this year. Weirdly, when I walked in no one spared an extra glance at me. In fact, people just smiled at me like normal when I walked past the first part of the Gryffindor table to get to where our group sat.

"Why does no one hate me?" I asked as I sat down in between Hermione and Neville.

"They didn't say who got the points taken, the number just went down 100," Hermione informed me.

"What? Why? They always tell who did it," I said with confusion.

Hermione sighed. "Well, lucky for you, everyone just assumes it was just Fred and George".

I smiled and thought, thank god. I had been dreading the thought that people would be mad at me. I'm not quite sure why, but I'd always had this thing where I needed everyone to like me. My nightmares were filled with people hating me.

I saw two matching sets of red hair enter the room, and everyone from the Gryffindor table looked at them and rolled their eyes with smiles. You would think that people would actually be annoyed, but everyone looked at them as if they were their two obnoxious younger brothers that they loved nonetheless.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now