Chapter 37

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A week had passed since we resumed our year at Hogwarts, and it was surprising how quickly we all got back into our routine. We started our classes again, did our homework after school, ate dinner and went to bed. Sometimes I would hang out with Ginny and Hermione after dinner and other times I would head to Fred and George's room. Even with all of the added school work, it was great to be back.

It was Saturday morning and we were about to head down to breakfast, and I was anxious because the twins told me that we were going on a date after we ate. I had thrown on some big jeans, a turtleneck and a sweater, seeing as it was pretty cold outside, and I hoped that that would suit whatever we were doing.

"Ready?" Hermione asked me at the door.

I took a deep breath and nodded, looking in the mirror one last time to make sure that my mascara hadn't smudged and that my hair still looked good. It was not only my first date with Fred and George, it was also my first date ever. I couldn't help but be a bit nervous.

We walked down to the dining hall, the longer weekend breakfast already having started, and I grabbed a cup of coffee before following the girls to sit down next to our friends.

"Morning!" Harry said cheerily to us, but only looking at Ginny.

"Morning," Ginny said with a blush.

I had forgotten about Harry's plans to give Ginny her gift and hopefully tell her his feelings on Christmas (I had gotten a bit distracted with the twins), so I reminded myself to ask her about it later. Judging by the way they were looking at each other, I assumed something must have happened.

"Hey," I said while sitting down in front of the twins. They were sitting down a little further down the long table from the others, so we had a bit of distance between us and our friends.

"Good morning," George said cheerily.

"Soooo, what are we doing today?" I asked before taking a sip of my coffee.

"It's a surprise," Fred said with a teasing smile.

"C'mon, don't do that," I said. "At least tell me if I need to go change?".

George shook his head with an amused smile. "You look perfect, princess".

I felt myself blush at the name that he used so close to our friends, and I looked over to the others to make sure that no one had heard. Luckily, they all seemed to be engrossed in a debate about the cards that come with chocolate frogs.

"So are we just leaving from here?" I asked.

They both nodded and continued to eat their pancakes.


"You better not be giving me another quidditch lesson again," I said to them with a warning look as we seemed to be walking to the quidditch field. "I know how to fly now, we don't need more lessons".

Fred wrapped his arm around my neck as we kept walking and shook his head with an amused smile. "We know you know how to fly, sweetheart".

I could practically feel my heart swell at the pet name, and I looked down at the grass to hide my smile from him.

"We're just using those skills now," George said mysteriously.

"George! Don't spoil it," Fred said with a huff, removing his arm from my shoulders and crossing his arms instead.

"We're practically there, Fred. Don't get your knickers in a twist," George said. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand in an attempt to hide the giggle that I couldn't help escape from my mouth.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now