Chapter 47

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Over the weekend and throughout the next week, George and I worked very hard to make sure that Fred had plenty of bed rest. It was not an easy task, Fred absolutely hated bed rest and everything that went along with it.

He hated having nothing to do all day, only eating meals in bed, getting double the homework because he wasn't attending his classes.

This did not make him an easy patient. He requested for me to be by his side all day long and sleep in his bed every night (something I was confused why had to do with bed rest), or even spoon feed him his meals because he only had one arm. Both because I sympathized with him and also because I was still just appreciative that he was alive after Friday night, I always indulged him in his stupid 'needs'. It was almost cute how clingy he was.

The healing potions had worked pretty well, and after only a week of wearing his casts Fred was allowed to have a sling on his arm and a walking boot on his foot. He still grumbled about how they 'weren't needed', but I could tell how happy he was to be up and walking again.

The weekend after the final quidditch match was the Saturday that I had gotten us all tickets to the Magpies vs. Harpies game, and Fred and George were practically jumping in their shoes the morning of, Fred in particular. He hadn't been able to leave his bed, let alone the castle, so he was more than excited to go watch his favorite team play. Even more excited to 'rub it in Ginny's face when the Harpies win'.

"Fred, are you sure you're good to walk around all day? I mean, you've been walking to your classes and the dining hall fine, but what if the portkey is a far walk from the arena? Or what if-"

He cut me off with a firm kiss to my lips. When he pulled away he said, "I'm fine, I promise sweetheart," and then gave me a final peck.

I let out a sigh and nodded, hoping that he was telling the truth. I wasn't quite sure how magically healing bones worked, but I was still a little skeptical that he was fine to walk around on it all day after only a week.

"Okay, they're going to meet us down at the main office in ten minutes for the portkey, will you guys be ready by then?" I asked. I had been ready for an hour, too excited for the game to wait. I didn't even really like quidditch, I was just ecstatic to spend the day with all of my friends and my boyfriends. Ginny and Harry were official now as well and Hermione and Ron, and as long as no problems arose from any of the relationships, everything was perfect at the moment. Everyone was happy, no one was falling out of the sky and breaking all of their bones again.

"Yeah, I'm almost done," Fred said as he buckled up his boot.

We left the room to meet up with the others outside of the castle, Hermione already with the portkey in hand, and excitedly traveled to the match. I had never used a portkey before, but it wasn't as scary as I had imagined it to be. It really just felt like I was floating a being stretched out a little before being dropped down onto grass.

Once we arrived, we entered and were led to our seats, having a good twenty minutes until the game was supposed to begin.

"Merlin, Y/n, these seats are amazing," Harry said in awe as we moved to sit down.

"I know, right," I said, having forgotten how much that I had spent on the tickets. We were seated in the front row of seats on the third story, supposedly the spot that would be eye level with most of the action during the game. I had bought us the whole row, which really was only three more seats than we needed, just so that we could spread out and didn't have to sit right next to strangers for the whole game.

My jaw fell as I looked out over the stadium, the circular levels of seating already mostly filled to capacity. I had never seen this many people in one place in my entire life; I was in complete shock as my eyes scanned over all of the tiny people on the other side of the field, most of the fans wearing either green or black. A slight buzz filled the air from everyone in the stadium talking to themselves instead of cheering, but I couldn't make out any particular conversation. It was just a blur of excited voices that were anticipating the start of the game.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now