Chapter 22

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When I woke up the next morning I faked a headache and skipped breakfast.

I did this because one, I was a pussy and didn't want to face Fred and George quite yet and two, because we all knew I wasn't going to eat anything anyways.

I knew that this was stupid because I figured that avoiding the twins would only make them think that I was uncomfortable around them and didn't want to see them, which was the furthest thing from the truth. All I wanted was to go see them and tell them that I loved them and that I would do anything to keep them in my life, but I didn't know exactly how to do that quite yet.

I spent my time alone in the room racking my brain on what the hell I was going to do and also stressing about having my first class of the day with the two boys that I didn't know what to say to.

I ended up spending the entirety of breakfast unsuccessfully brainstorming what I was supposed to do, and it was eventually time to head to potions. I decided just skipping the class altogether, but I knew that that would make me seem even more upset with them, and I also just needed to go to class because we were reviewing the lesson that I spent the entirety of talking to Fred and George.

After a deep breath and a few words of encouragement to myself in the mirror, I made my way down to potions with five minutes to spare. I noticed that I was subconsciously walking slower than usual, just putting off seeing the twins not 12 hours after the monstrosity that was last night. I didn't handle it well to say the least, and I knew that whatever I could say would probably only fuck it up even more. I actually wanted Snape to take up the whole class talking at his torturously slow pace today so that there would be no time for talking.

When I reached the potions classroom with only 30 seconds before class began, I walked in and did the one thing that I vowed not to do. I couldn't help but make eye contact with both Fred and George who both looked at me when I entered, and I couldn't help but look at both of them guiltily and then look down at my feet as I walked over to where I sat in front of them.

I had just wanted to walk in, sit down and then leave when class was over without any altercations. Looking at the two of them who looked like kicked puppies made my heart burst into two. I had done that. Me.

Hermione had asked me what was wrong, obviously seeing through to my thinly veiled heartache, but I just muttered 'headache' and was luckily saved from anymore explaining when Snape started class.

I actually paid attention during class for the first time in a while because I needed something to concentrate on to ensure that I didn't look back at Fred and George. I wasn't mad at them or anything and I wasn't avoiding looking at them for any petty reason, no, I couldn't bear to look at them without bursting into tears at the pain that I had caused. And I was in no position to be the sad one, I was in no position to act sad in front of the two people who I had hurt the previous day.

I kept my nose in my notes for the whole class, and it was eventually over. I didn't even wait for Hermione to pack up her things before I got the hell out of there.

I got to Transfigurations way earlier than normal, something so out of the ordinary that it prompted Mcgonagal to ask if I was alright. I told her that I was doing just fine and that I was just really excited for class, but she obviously didn't buy that and just shook her head at me.

"Why the hell did you need to get out of there so fast?" I heard from behind me before Hermione sat down in the seat next to me.

"Dunno, just wanted to get here early. I want to get on Mcgonagall's good side before these tests, maybe she'll be a little more lenient with the grading," I said while shrugging. I hoped that it was a good enough reason.

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