Chapter 14

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Thank you guys for so much love on this story :)

The rest of the week went by quickly. I had finally gotten back into a routine after not having one over summer break, and it was nice to have things to do every day. I would wake up and go to class - which I had finally realized that I actually needed to try in - do my homework, eat dinner, and then sometimes hang out with either Fred and George or Hermione and Ginny. It was really fun and I was enjoying my free time that I had before the NEWTs started and all I would do all day would be study.

It was now Friday, and Hermione and I were headed over towards the quidditch field to watch the match.

"So explain it to me again," I said as we were walking outside and approaching the field. "Why are we playing Hufflepuff if they already lost to Slytherin last week?".

"Because if they win against us today they could still have a chance to win all of it".

"What? How?" I asked. If you lose a game, I thought that that meant you couldn't win. That's how my old soccer tournaments used to work.

"Because there's more than just three matches per season. It's not just we win one, another house wins one and then they playoff. I'm not exactly sure how many matches we play but there's room to lose at least one game and still win," She informed me. We were climbing up to the stands to sit in our usual spot - three rows up in the middle. Hermione said that that spot had the best view of the field.

"I mean, it still doesn't really make sense to me but okay," I said.

She laughed. "You'll figure it out".

The teams practiced for a little longer, warming up their flying and shooting practice shots into the goal posts. After about ten minutes of that, the game began.

It started just as it had last time, everyone in their respective positions then turning into a blur of fast moving color once the quaffle, bludgers and snitch were released. I had tried to follow the movements to tell what was going on, but it was moving so fast that all I could do was shout a couple "Go Gin!"s and "Go Fred"s and "Go George"s. My shouts were drowned out by the cheering of the crowd, which always had a reason to cheer because Gryffindor kept winning points

It was obvious that we would win easily, the players never having moved from the end of the field with the Gryffindor goal posts.

The announcer never had a break to breathe, always having to report on what things were happening.

"Ginny Weasley makes a goal, ten points for Gryffindor!".

"Fred aims the quaffle at Ethan and... he scores! That looked like it had to hurt!".

"Another goal from Ginny! Ten points for Gryffindor!".

Announcements continued to ring out over the stadiums, informing the crowd that Gryffindor was whipping Hufflepuffs ass. It was almost boring how little action there was, but I knew that it was basically free house points, so I dealt with it.

"And that's 150 points! Gryffindor wins!".

The crowd went wild, even though we all knew who would win the game. Hermione and I got off of our seats and headed down the steps to go congratulate our friends for winning another game.

"Gin!" I yelled once I was in hearing distance. She turned away from a teammate that she was talking to to look at me and smiled. I ran up to her and hugged her, not caring how sweaty she was. "Oh my god! You practically won the whole game!" I said.

She laughed. "Thank you, but other people helped. The Hufflepuff keeper was absolute rubbish, so it wasn't a very hard task".

"Still!" I said. "Seriously, you were amazing. Again".

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