Chapter 44

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Before I knew it, I was getting ready for the final quidditch match on Friday. The entire year had been leading up until this moment, and the entire school had been buzzing with excitement and nervousness, especially Gryffindor and Slytherin.

The last couple days had passed by quickly. They were filled with the same things that I had gotten used to doing all year, but nothing was boring. I still woke up every morning to go to classes (which I dreaded), but was always excited for after the school day was over. Whether it was being with my friends or boyfriends, I was happy nonetheless.

It seemed that Fred and George and I had grown even closer than we had ever been, the time that I spent with them always filled with fun and comfort. I hadn't said the words yet, but every day I grew even more sure that the feelings that coursed through my veins every time I was with them was love. I fell further in love with them every second of the day, and I missed them terribly whenever we had a moment away from each other. I had never felt this way before about anybody, but I decided that I was absolutely in love with being in love.

I really decked out in Gryffindor colors to support the team; I had thrown on Fred's Gryffindor burgundy sweater and borrowed a scarf that Molly had made ginny which was made up of the Gryffindor colors. Ginny had told me that I should have painted my face for her to see in the stands, but I politely declined. I was being supportive enough - I didn't need to paint my face red and gold.

"I'm so excited," Hermione squealed.

"I know, I know, but what if we don't win? They'll all be so devastated," I said as I slid a pair of earrings into my ears. We still had about ten minutes until it was time to head over to the field.

"Are you kidding? We have Harry, the twins, and Ginny - who's proven to be quite a great player. Slytherin players buy their way onto the team".

I coughed. "Malfoy". Another cough.

She chuckled. "Exactly. Our team is actually made up of good players. We'll win," she said confidently.

"Okay, 'Mione. I hope you're right," I said and took a deep breath before leaving the bathroom, happy with my appearance for the game.


I nodded and we exited the room.

Hermione and I had decided to head over a little early to wish everyone luck, so when we arrived at the field the stands weren't full yet and the teams were still warming up. We knew that we needed to go get seats soon before they filled up for the final game, but we decided that we had enough time to go wish everyone luck before the match started.

The first person to notice our arrival was Ginny, so she paused her conversation with Harry to come greet us, fully decked out in her quidditch gear.

"Hey guys!" she said as she ran over to us. I could tell that she was excited for the game.

"Hey," Hermione said with a quick hug. "Nervous?".

Ginny pulled away from the hug and waved her hand dismissively. "Nah. I got this in the bag".

I chuckled. "I don't doubt it for a second, Gin".

"I'm going to go say hi to Ron," Hermoine said quickly before walking to where Ron was waving her over.

Ginny and I chuckled as we watched walk off with a smile, way too smitten for her own good.

"You know," she started. "Fred and George are so bloody worked up. It's scaring me, really".

"Really?" I asked and shielded my eyes from the sun with my hand as I searched the field for them. I didn't think that they had noticed me, they were just whacking the bludger back and forth to one another. They did in fact look pretty stressed, digging their toes into the grass anxiously whenever there was a break in their batting.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now