Chapter 11

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Double update bitches

I awoke in a bed that felt softer than my own, slowly becoming conscious. For a moment, I was completely at peace, listening to birds outside the window and enjoying the feeling of waking up on a weekend. That was before the headache started.

I let out a groan and flopped over onto my back with my elbow covering my eyes.

"Morning sleepy head".

My head shot up (not to the help of my pounding head) and I squinted my eyes at the bright light flooding in from the open window. I found that I was in Fred and George's room, not my own. I was in the bed alone, but Fred was in the bed across the room from me. I stared at him with tired eyes for another moment before slamming my head back into the pillows and turning over, trying to go back to sleep until this hangover was over.

"There's a hangover potion on the nightstand, figured that you might need one," he informed me, sounding amused by the state that I was currently in.

"Mmm, thanks," I said and blindly grabbed at the nightstand with my head still buried in the pillow, successfully finding the potion on my third grab. I chugged it down, grimacing at the taste, and threw my head back into the fluffy pillow. I could feel the potion going to work, slowly melting away my headache, but it just left me with a feeling of sleepiness because I had not gone to bed until the early morning.

"Don't go back to sleep," He said from the other side of the room, but I could hear him coming closer through my half-asleep daze. "Hermione sent us like three owls making sure that we would all be ready to go to Hogsmeade. I'm not sure why we have to go at a certain time, but she's in charge of the day". I could feel the bed dip on my side of the bed, only a couple inches from where I was laying down.

"Oh," I grumbled once I had unburied my head from the pillow. "Right. I forgot about that. Do we really have to go?".

"Yes," He said with a smile. "George went down to grab you some food because we didn't want to wake you. It'll help with the hangover. I think he's also grabbing a cup of coffee".

I groaned, fully knowing how obnoxious I was, having spent the night in their room and taking advantage of their hospitalities but still complaining. "It's fine, he doesn't have to grab me anything".

He looked at me with a disapproving look. "He is grabbing you breakfast, and you're eating it. You always need to eat breakfast, but especially today because i'm pretty sure you didn't eat anything last night and only drank alcohol. If you don't like what he brings back we can go get you something else".

I looked up to see that he was looking at me with a look that told me he wasn't going to give in anytime soon, so I just nodded. I wasn't in the mood to argue.

I heard the door open, and turned from my spot underneath the covers to see George shutting the door behind him with his food.

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey," He said before turning around to look at me. "Oh! You're already up".

I chuckled at him and sat up in bed, still staying underneath the covers because I didn't feel like getting up quite yet, no matter what Hermione's plans for the day were.

George walked over to the bed with a tray and a couple plates of food that he had obviously stolen because of Hogwarts no-food-outside-the-dining-hall rule. "I really did get eggs and bakey. And toast. And hashbrowns. And sausage. And some coffee. Ooh, and a muffin. And some fruit. I wasn't sure what you were feeling," He said before presenting me with the food that he had brought.

My heart soared at the gesture, I knew how hard it was to sneak food out of the dining hall, and all of this must have been even harder. "You didn't have to do all this," I said, blushing a bit at the action.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now